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Password Authentication.

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Computer Science
University of Missouri Kansas City
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Password Authentication
According to Stefan Sundh, there are some reasons why passwords may not be secure.
The users tend to use the same passwords to get to log in to different services by this; it
important to note that if the password of one of your services gets into the wrong individuals,
they could gain some access to your service and possible to your other services (Kolb et al.,
2016). Sharing of passwords amongst users brings about not knowing who had access to certain
information. The use of weak passwords and using too weak passwords are among the reasons
why passwords are insecure.
A good password must have at least seven characters long and contain one non-letter it
could be numerical. The password should not include your email or your name and cannot have
any blank spaces. A user needs to use more than one word while creating a good password, such
as Kevinlions if your name is Kevin. You could use phonetics such as "Come for me" as
"Cm4mi". The users also need to make long passwords that are easy to remember, making them
difficult to break into (Notoatmodjo et al., 2019). To recognize good passwords easily, the user
needs to use the first letters of a phrase such as "Cm4mi" with a "@" at the beginning.
Usually, when a user creates a very secure password that is memorable and unique to
them, such as a favorite person or place they live nearby. It is genius to replace one specific letter
with a symbol or a number in a sentence. Strong passwords prevent unapproved access to one's
devices as such, showing their utter importance. Complicated passwords give hackers a hard
time cracking those, enabling users to escape the malicious cyber actors who compromise online
accounts and websites. The more complex your password is, the more security for your device;
as such, this is the very reason why they are very secure. The very secure passwords include the
uppercase and the lower case, symbols and numbers, and at least ten characters.

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Running Head: DISCUSSION QUESTION 1 Authentication Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date DISCUSSION PAPER 2 Password Authentication According to Stefan Sundh, there are some reasons why passwords may not be secure. The users tend to use the same passwords to get to log in to different services by this; it important to note that if the password of one of your services gets into the wrong individuals, they could gain some access to your service and possible to your other services (Kolb et al., 2016). Sharing of passwords amongst users brings about not knowing who had access to certain information. The use of weak passwords and using too weak passwords are among the reasons why passwords are insecure. A good password must have at least seven characters long and contain one non-letter it could be numerical. The password should not include your email or your name and ca ...
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