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Inver Hills Community College
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History Questions
1. Issue which had caused Luther to write: Martin Luther writes this treatise in response
to a particular problem caused by the secular rulers in Germany. What does he see as
the problem? For the answer, look on page 429 (PDF p. 3) in the three paragraphs
following his “signature” near the top of the page; see also the introduction to the
reading and the endnotes to help clarify the context.
Beginning D/C-
Accomplished B+/A-
Exemplary A+
Student does not
identify and summarize
the problem/issue, is
confused or identifies a
different and/or
Student is able to
articulate the basics
of the
Student identifies not
only the basics of the
problem/issue, but
recognizes the
nuances of the issue.
Student identifies not only the
basics of the problem/issue, but
recognizes the nuances of the
issue. Student can analyze
connections between related

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[Type your answer here.]
The issue that made Martin Luther write this treatise is connected to the relationship
between the Germans and their rulers. In his writing, Luther stated that rulers were mad and
thought they could do and order their subjects on what to do as they please. On the other hand,
the subjects believed that they were bound to obey and submit to their rulers' commands. The
main issue came into the picture when the secular German rulers took things far beyond and
started ordering the people to eliminate some of the books, believe specific facts, and conform to
certain prescribed rules (Lull & Russell, 429). This situation is likened to controlling the
subjects and presumptuously taking God’s place in lording over people’s faith, consciences, and
knowledge of the Holy Spirit.
The act of people obeying the prescribed rules issued by the German rulers instead of
conforming to God’s commands caused a lot of concern to Martin Luther. In his writing, he
states that “Let every soul be subject to the governing authority, for there is no authority except
God.” Martin Luther feels that by conforming to the German rulers, the people did not follow
God’s law which was a challenge to the true authority (Lull & Russell, 429). It was disastrous
that the Germans had failed to listen to him for the first time, and he sought to write to them with
hopes that they would recognize the powerful notion behind the issue and the position they had
put their rulers. He further states that the German Rulers felt very powerful, as “God had made
them mad,” and no one could disagree or challenge them on governance issues.
2. Identifies and Assesses Key Assumptions: Identify sections of the treatise that provide
clues to Martin Luther’s theological anthropology (that is, what does he assume to be

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Surname: 1 Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: History Questions 1. Issue which had caused Luther to write: Martin Luther writes this treatise in response to a particular problem caused by the secular rulers in Germany. What does he see as the problem? For the answer, look on page 429 (PDF p. 3) in the three paragraphs following his “signature” near the top of the page; see also the introduction to the reading and the endnotes to help clarify the context. Beginning D/C- Developing Accomplished B+/A- Exemplary A+ C/C+/B-/B /A Student does not Student is able to Student identifies not Student identifies not only the identify and summarize articulate the basics only the basics of the basics of the problem/issue, but the problem/issue, is of the problem/issue, but recognizes the nuances of the confused or identifies a problem/issue. recognizes the issue. Student can analyze nuances of the issue. connections between related different and/or inappropriate problem/issue. problems/issues. Surname: 2 [Type your answer here.] The issue that made Martin Luther write this treatise is connected to the relationship between the Germans and their rulers. In his writing, Luther stated that rulers were mad and thought they could do and order their subjects on what to do as they please. On the other hand, the subjects believed that they were bound to obey and submit to their rulers' commands. The main issue came into the picture when the secular ...
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