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Unit 5 Individual Project For Itco610

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Computer Science
American InterContinental University
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Running Head: CASE TOOLS 1
Student’s Name

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Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) technologies refer to tools that help
achieve automation during software development. The CASE tools' primary purpose was to
minimize the time used and cost of developing software and increase the quality of the systems.
Therefore, implementing the tools and environment's significant expectations were to facilitate
maintenance, enhance productivity and the quality of the product, and make the engineers much
more straightforward. In this case, the CASE tools will involve all applications that use and
implement SDLC flow.
What features do the tools offer that could be beneficial to use in the development of your
The following features are beneficial if the tools are used during the development of the
project. First, for the CASE tools to support an automated support feature, it must check for
syntactic correctness. Through this, the tools will ensure that the implemented system is
booming, and thus, no problem will be experienced during the process. It should also have a data
dictionary support that helps respond to the metadata. Through this feature, the organization can
maintain the organization's databases that contain data on different tables. It means that the tool
must support all types of data that the organization has son its databases.
The other feature is that the CASE tools should monitor the consistency and
completeness of the system. Automation requires test tools that ensure that the system functions
well and as expected. They should have navigation to all linked diagrams feature because it helps
enhance system performance. All layers should work together to improve the functionality of the
system and the expected quality output. The other feature is the traceability of the tools during

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Running Head: CASE TOOLS 1 CASE TOOLS Student’s Name Institution Date CASE TOOLS 2 Introduction Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) technologies refer to tools that help achieve automation during software development. The CASE tools' primary purpose was to minimize the time used and cost of developing software and increase the quality of the systems. Therefore, implementing the tools and environment's significant expectations were to facilitate maintenance, enhance productivity and the quality of the product, and make the engineers much more straightforward. In this case, the CASE tools will involve all applications that use and implement SDLC flow. What features do the tools offer that could be beneficial to use in the development of your project? The following features are beneficial if the tools are used during the development of the project. First, for the CASE tools to support an automated support feature, it must check for syntactic correctness. Through this, the tools will ensure that the implemented system is booming, and thus, no problem will be experienced during the process. It should also have a data dictionary support that helps respond to the metadata. Through this feature, the organization can maintain the organization's databases that contain data on different tables. It means that the tool must support all types of data that the organization has son its databases. The other feature is that the CASE tools should monitor the consistency and com ...
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