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Global Web

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Silicon Valley College
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An Evaluation of How to Create a Global Web
Student’s Name
Due Date

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The Global web is a documentation system where individuals share files and information
on the internet and with the ability to reach everyone across the globe. The Global web helps
marketing and sharing ideas from individuals living in one part of the world with other
individuals in another part (Tatroe and MacIntyer, 2020). The hypertext transfer protocol helps
transfer resources on the web and enables them to appear on the internet for use by people living
across the globe using another software called a web browser. Accordingly, the contents on the
web are published by an application called a web server. Given the above, this essay evaluates
the process of creating a global web.
The first stage in creating a global web involves the selection of a domain name. This is
possible through the selection of a uniform resource locator, which is alternatively called a web
address (Tatroe and MacIntyer, 2020). Besides, an individual must take care to develop a
uniform resource locator that is short and simple to enable clients to memorize it. ICANN
Registrars perform the role of registering domain names and uniform resource locators
depending on the country of origin (Slaughter, 2017). To obtain international clients, companies
must internationalize their domains.
The next phase involves registering the web with global search engines such as Google
and Bing. Even though both Bing and Google can locate a web automatically, any company
creating a global web needs to register them with other search engines in various localities
(Slaughter, 2017). Accordingly, several other international search engines can register their
websites, such as and The advantage of registering a web with
such search engines is to improve its online presence across various markets in the world
(Slaughter, 2017). Other search engines also work in a native language, and therefore individuals

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Running head: CREATING GLOBAL WEB 1 An Evaluation of How to Create a Global Web Student’s Name Class Due Date CREATING GLOBAL WEB 2 The Global web is a documentation system where individuals share files and information on the internet and with the ability to reach everyone across the globe. The Global web helps marketing and sharing ideas from individuals living in one part of the world with other individuals in another part (Tatroe and MacIntyer, 2020). The hypertext transfer protocol helps transfer resources on the web and enables them to appear on the internet for use by people living across the globe using another software called a web browser. Accordingly, the contents on the web are published by an application called a web server. Given the above, this essay evaluates the process of creating a global web. The first stage in creating a global web involves the selection of a domain name. This is possible through the selection of a uniform resource locator, which is alternatively called a web address (Tatroe and MacIntyer, 2020). Besides, an individual must take care to develop a uniform resource locator that is short and simple to enable clients to memorize it. ICANN Re ...
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