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Leadership Theories

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American Military University
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A PRESENTATION ON THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP Introduction  Theoretical explanations of how and why some people become leaders are known as leadership theories.  They concentrate on the qualities and actions that people might develop in order to improve their leadership abilities. According to Deshwal and Ali (2020), to be successful, every company, no matter what industry they're in or how big they are, requires strong leadership.  Effective company processes rely heavily on good executives. For the most part, being a good leader isn't something that comes naturally to most people.  This presentation will explain trait, skills, behavioral, situational and path-goal theories of leadership. It will also discuss their application areas, strengths and weaknesses. Traits Theory  The trait theory of leadership proposes that a leader is defined by specific inborn or innate qualities and attributes. Personality traits, physical traits, intelligence traits, and so on are examples of these qualities.  According to Verawati and Hartono (2020), trait theory claims that the leader and the attributes of the leader are critical to the success of an organization.  The premise is that identifying employees with the correct characteristics will improve organizational performance.  The leader is the exclusive emphasis of trait theory, whereas the follower is ignored (Verawati and Hartono, 2020). Application Areas, Strengths and Weaknesses of Trait Theory ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
