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Marketing paradigms class lectures_57057108-Programming-Paradigms-Chapter-1

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| |      Lecture 1 : Introduction To Programming Paradigms SEMESTER JAN ² APR 09 1    | |       1. Increase the ability to express ideas 2. Improve background for choosing the appropriate languages 3. Increase the ability to learn new languages 4. Better understanding on the significance of software implementation 5. Overall advancement of computing SEMESTER JAN ² APR 09 2 H       Ä    1200 The Abacus 1642 The Pascaline Automatic Calculator Î to complicated to be operated Early 1800s Jacquard Loom Î translated card patterns into cloth designs 1792 - 1872 Charles Babbage Î The Difference Engine (1823) Î powered by steam Î designed to aid the calculation of mathematical, celestial & navigational table Î The Analytical Engine (1833) Î has CPU, software instructions, memory storage & printed output Î never actually produced SEMESTER JAN ² APR 09 3 H       The Abacus The Pascaline Automatic Calculator Jacquard Loom SEMESTER JAN ² APR 09 The Difference Engine 4 H       Ä    1842 Ada Augusta Bryon Î the first computer programmer Î innovations 1. subroutine 2. looping 1937 The Universal Machine Î Alan Turing 1940s Î The ENIAC (1942) Î The Von Neumann Concepts 1. shared-program techniques 2. conditional control transfer Î Konrad Zuse & Plankalkul Î first algorithmic programming lang ...
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