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Slavery and race

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Slavery and Race

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Slavery and Race
Racism can simply be defined as discrimination based on the race of a person, or it can
also be defined as the belief that a certain race is superior compared to another. One example that
can explain racism is during the time that slavery was being practiced in the United States of
America, whereby whites were considered superior to blacks. Furthermore, blacks were taken as
property by the whites instead of being considered fellow human beings. The first group of black
people from Africa arrived in the USA, particularly in Virginia in the year 1619. They were taken
by the English colonialists as laborers. The Africans particularly worked in tobacco farms as
providing free manual labor. During the 17th century, particularly in the second half of it, African
Americans particularly living in North America experienced enslavement solely based on their
race. At this time, they were not very many but they suffered a very rancorous experience. Little
did they know that their acrimonious experience was to follow their consecutive generations, one
after another
. The purpose of this essay is to show how the constitutional framers addressed the
issue of racism and slavery at the constitution convention of the year 1787; the historical
circumstances political, social, and economic surrounding and shaping the decisions of the
supreme court; the extent that the supreme court cases settled or resolved the issue at hand, the
extent at which some of the issues remain unresolved; and give suggestions on ways in which these
issues remain alive in the present and how they affect everyday lives of citizens.
Slavery and Race
The constitution of the United States opens with a message of unity, establishment of
justice and upholding of peace. However, it is a shame that the document at some point does not

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Surname 1 Slavery and Race Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Surname 2 Slavery and Race Introduction Racism can simply be defined as discrimination based on the race of a person, or it can also be defined as the belief that a certain race is superior compared to another. One example that can explain racism is during the time that slavery was being practiced in the United States of America, whereby whites were considered superior to blacks. Furthermore, blacks were taken as property by the whites instead of being considered fellow human beings. The first group of black people from Africa arrived in the USA, particularly in Virginia in the year 1619. They were taken by the English colonialists as laborers. The Africans particularly worked in tobacco farms as providing free manual labor. During the 17th century, particularly in the second half of it, African Americans particularly living in North America experienced enslavement solely based on their race. At this time, they were not very many but they suffered a very rancorous experience. Little did they know that their acrimonious experience was to follow their consecutive generations, one after another5. The purpose of this essay is to show how the constitutional framers addressed the issue of racism and slavery at the constitution convention of the year 1787; the historical circumstances – political, social, and economic – surrounding and shaping the decisions of the supreme court; the extent that the supreme court cases set ...
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