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Marketing management class lectures_23060140-Consumer-Behavior-Marketing-Management

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Chapter 1 Consumer Behavior & Marketing Management Chapter Spotlights       Consumer benefits Total product concept Market segmentation and segmentation strategies Positioning Consumer decision-making Engel, Kollat, and Blackwell (EKB) Model Course Objectives      Better understand why people do what they do in the marketplace when they do it Better understand yourself as a shopper, buyer, and consumer Improve yourself as a shopper, buyer, and consumer Improve your current/future job performance Better understand marketer communications and behaviors in the marketplace Consumer Benefits   People do not buy products or services, they buy benefits Hence we make purchases not for the products themselves, but for the benefits of the problems they solve or the opportunities they offer  e.g., “always late” so a watch helps solve problem; has stopwatch feature so now can keep track of “work out” times Consumer Benefits  Consumers seek bundles of types of benefits:   Tangible benefits: e.g., a watch keeps good time; has leather band Intangible benefits: e.g., the “reliability” reputation of the watch manufacturer; the image of the watch wearer The Total Product Concept  Total product: refers to the sum of benefits offered by a product, service, outlet, etc.     Basic core: bundle of utilitarian benefits (e.g., design, features, etc.) Accessory ring: added-value benefits with no app ...
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