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Marketing management class lectures_56314620-Marketing-Management

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MARKETING MANAGEMENT MB0046 SET I 1 1. What is Marketing Information System? Explain its characteristics, benefits and information types. MIS is a computerized system that is designed to provide an organized flow of information to enable and support the marketing activities of an organization. The MIS serves collaborative, analytical and operational needs. In the collaborative mode, the MIS enables managers to share information and work together virtually. In addition, the MIS can enable marketers to collaborate with customers on product designs and customer requirements. The analytical function is addressed by decision support applications that enable marketers to analyze market data on customers, competitors, technology and general market conditions. These insights are becoming the foundation for the development of marketing strategies and plans. The MIS addresses operational needs through customer management systems that focus on the day-to-day processing of customer transactions from the initial sale through customer service. MIS systems are designed to be comprehensive and flexible in nature and to integrate with each other functionally. They are formal, forward looking and essential to the organization’s ability to create competitive advantage. The MIS is the firm’s “window on the world” and, increasingly, it is the primary customer interface. Components of a marketing information system A marketing information system (MIS) is intended to bring together dispa ...
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