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Mood Disorder

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Houston community college
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Running Head: MOOD DISORDER 1
Mood Disorder
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Mood disorder refers to a mental health disorder which affects a person’s emotional
wellbeing. An individual develops long periods of anxiety, sadness or happiness. It is normal for
individuals to experience mood swings for few days. However, when mood changes are present
for several weeks and affects the ability of individuals to perform their duties then it is critical to
see a clinical worker. The most common mood disorders include bipolar disorder and clinical
depression. In this question, the case study exhibits the symptoms of clinical depression.
Symptoms of mood disorder
Monte is a 9-year old white male who has been referred from a local school for exhibiting
several behaviors which are difficult to manage them in the classroom. He quickly becomes
verbally aggressive towards teachers and oftenly accuses them of picking on him. He verbally
insults most of his classmates in his classroom. Monte comes from a chaotic family where he is
taken care of by his two older sisters who are mean to him. The school counselor believes that
Monte has a low self-esteem. Monte is clingy with his teachers and seeks their approval every
other time. Over the past two years, his performance has generally declined. Monte has difficulty
in concentrating. He has developed a pattern of overeating and could develop eating problem.
Monte experiences frequent headaches. He also has a poor school attendance.
Reasons for clinical depression
The one possible reason why Monte’s problem exists is because he is experiencing clinical
depression disorder. This is because Monte exhibits the symptoms such as low concentration in
the classroom, declined performance, overeating, frequent headaches, and low self-esteem as well
as seeks approval from his teachers. Monte seems to exhibit such behaviors as a result of being

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1 Running Head: MOOD DISORDER Mood Disorder Name Institution affiliation Date 2 MOOD DISORDER Introduction Mood disorder refers to a mental health disorder which affects a person’s emotional wellbeing. An individual develops long periods of anxiety, sadness or happiness. It is normal for individuals to experience mood swings for few days. However, when mood changes are present for several weeks and affects the ability of individuals to perform their duties then it is critical to see a clinical worker. The most common mood disorders include bipolar disorder and clinical depression. In this question, the case study exhibits the symptoms of clinical depression. Symptoms of mood disorder Monte is a 9-year old white male who has been referred from a local school for exhibiting several behaviors which are difficult to manage them in the classroom. He quickly becomes verbally aggressive towards teachers and oftenly accuses them of picking on him. He verbally insults most of his classmates in his classroom. Monte comes from a chaotic family where he is taken care of by his two older sisters who are mean to him. The school counselor believes that Monte has a low self-esteem. Monte i ...
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