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Minoan Culture And Art

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Hudson County Community College
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Minoan Culture and Art

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Minoan Culture and Art
Minoan art of the Crete island of Greece depicts the prehistoric culture that thrived
among the Greeks. Like the Egyptian paintings and artworks, the Minoan art exhibits the
emotions and feelings of ancient Greeks who settle in Crete island. The Minoan civilization,
commonly referred to as the Bronze Age Aegean civilization, was characterized by a cultural
blend in pottery, painting, metalwork, and the creation of statuettes of goddesses and high
priestesses. These art pieces depicted the joyous and peaceful culture of the Minoans, thereby
appreciating the natural world. Therefore, Minoan artworks such as the Octopus vase, the
Harvester vase, and the Dolphin Fresco are significant art pieces that depict the joyful culture
and celebrate the natural world.
The Octopus vase is an outstanding exquisite Minoan art that depicts its culture and the
affection for the natural environment. The Octopus vase portrays the Minoan culture of pottery, a
common activity in Crete during prehistoric times. Created in 1500 B.C.E, the Octopus vase was
inspired by the sea (German). The vase exhibits the shape of an octopus swimming in the sea,
with its tentacles covering the vessel's entire perimeter. The octopus on the vase has large eyes
and a humongous head, making it look like a cartoon. Other sea creatures around the octopus are
the sea urchins and triton shells. The Octopus vase exhibits the marine style pottery, which
further portrays the Minoans' culture since they lived by the Mediterranean Sea (German). This
piece celebrates the natural world, especially the sea creatures, thereby portraying the natural
environment's aesthetic value.
The Harvester vase is an exquisite artistical relic associated with the Minoan palaces. The
Harvester vase dates to 1600-1450 B.C.E., and its exhibits fascinating and aesthetically

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1 Minoan Culture and Art Name Institution Course Instructor Date 2 Minoan Culture and Art Minoan art of the Crete island of Greece depicts the prehistoric culture that thrived among the Greeks. Like the Egyptian paintings and artworks, the Minoan art exhibits the emotions and feelings of ancient Greeks who settle in Crete island. The Minoan civilization, commonly referred to as the Bronze Age Aegean civilization, was characterized by a cultural blend in pottery, painting, metalwork, and the creation of statuettes of goddesses and high priestesses. These art pieces depicted the joyous and peaceful culture of the Minoans, thereby appreciating the natural world. Therefore, Minoan artworks such as the Octopus vase, the Harvester vase, and the Dolphin Fresco are significant art pieces that depict the joyful culture and celebrate the natural world. The Octopus vase is an outstanding exquisite Minoan art that depicts its culture and the affection for the natural environment. The Octopus vase portrays the Minoan culture of pottery, a common activity in Crete during prehistoric times. Created in 1500 B.C.E, the Octopus vase was inspired by the sea (German). The vase exhibits the shape ...
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