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State Of Environment

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Environmental Science
Harold Washington College
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State of Environment
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State of Environment
The current changes in the environment are taking place rapidly, and it has become
difficult to predict the public health outcome. Most health complications are a result of
unsustainable behaviors. The unsustainable behaviors are due to the unhealthy food products
that we consume daily. Most people lack information on the health complications associated
with an unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. Globally, individuals cannot make informed
choices on the foods they consume due to the products' wrong labeling. I believe it is high
time for public health officials to consider stringent measures for the development of carbon
and other environmental labeling of consumer products to make informed choices. The
people's health outcomes will be improved if they are supported to develop the habit of using
products and services that are environmentally friendly.
The continuous environmental impacts caused due to human activities in the world
threaten people's future health. Globalization has contributed to increased production, and
people have enough food to keep them going. The remedies towards addressing issues of
poverty and unequal distribution of resources are a milestone. The major issue is the effects
that the activities on the environment are having on people's health. The future environment
and public health will continue to be threatened as more resources will be explored, and
severe health outcomes will be experienced. There will be a reduction in health quality due to
unsustainable human behaviors, and more health outbreaks will be experienced in the global
The environmental concerns are overwhelming, and this encourages me to plan how I
will use the knowledge acquired to establish changes that will positively impact public and

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1 State of Environment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor’s Name Course Date 2 State of Environment Q1 The current changes in the environment are taking place rapidly, and it has become difficult to predict the public health outcome. Most health complications are a result of unsustainable behaviors. The unsustainable behaviors are due to the unhealthy food products that we consume daily. Most people lack information on the health complications associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. Globally, individuals cannot make informed choices on the foods they consume due to the products' wrong labeling. I believe it is high time for public health officials to consider stringent measures for the development of carbon and other environmental labeling of consumer products to make informed choices. The people's health outcomes will be improved if they are su ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!
