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Validity Reliability

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Social Science
Torrens University
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Reliability and Validity

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Reliability and Validity
The rationale for ensuring validity and reliability
The concepts of validity and reliability are what researchers use for assessing the
quality of a given research. Reliability refers to the extent to which the measurements and
results of a given research study can be depended upon for its consistency. Reliable research
tells you that the same results can be obtained if the research is repeated severally. Validity
refers to how close the research is to the reality or the degree to which the measurements or
results of a given study can represent what they are meant to represent. Validity of data or
information can be assessed by confirming how well the data, results of the study, or
information correlate with established concepts or theories. When comparing reliability and
validity; the accuracy of valid data can be relied upon to produce accurate results when
measured over some time or by different observers. In other words, valid data is reliable data.
On the other side, consistent measurements of a given study may not be true and represent the
accuracy of the theory or concept being measured (Drevon et al., 2017).
Because research studies are normally measured through validity and reliability; both
can be categorized into different types through different ways by which they can be assessed.
There are different types of reliability measurements namely test-retest, interrater and internal
consistency. There are different types of validity namely construct validity, content validity
and criterion validity, internal validity, and external validity (Mohajan, 2017).
Test-retest, in both qualitative and quantitative research study, is type reliability that
assesses the uniformity of a measurement over a period of time. For example, a group of
women participants may decide to respond to survey questions on a questionnaire about their
views on inequality in society. If the same women give the same set of information by filling

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Running head: RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY Reliability and Validity Name Instructor Course Institution Date 1 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY 2 Reliability and Validity The rationale for ensuring validity and reliability The concepts of validity and reliability are what researchers use for assessing the quality of a given research. Reliability refers to the extent to which the measurements and results of a given research study can be depended upon for its consistency. Reliable research tells you that the same results can be obtained if the research is repeated severally. Validity refers to how close the research is to the reality or the degree to which the measurements or results of a given study can represent what they are meant to represent. Validity of data or information can be assessed by confirming how well the data, results of the study, or information correlate with established concepts or theories. When comparing reliability and validity; the accuracy of valid data can be relied upon to produce accurate results when measured over some time or by different observers. In other words, valid data is reliable data. On the other side, consistent measurements of a given study may not be true and represent the accuracy of the theory or concept being measured (Drevon et al., 2017). Because research studies are normally measured through validity and reliability; both can be categorized into different types through different ways by which they can be assessed. There are different ...
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