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The Impeachment And Trial Of Former President Donald J. Trump

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Alabama State University
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The Impeachment and Trial of Former President Donald J. Trump

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The Impeachment and Trial of Former President Donald J. Trump
The second impeachment of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States,
happened on January 13, 2021. This was precisely one week before his official term expired.
This was the second impeachment of President Donald Trump, and the fourth impeach t to be
done on any President in the United States (U.S. House of Representatives Managers, 2021).
President Donald Trump, therefore, became the first President in the United States to be
impeached twice. However, being impeached is different from been convicted or denied from
ever holding office again. The ball is now on the Senate to conduct a trial on former President
Donald Trump and determine if he qualifies for future office.
Seven senate republicans and all the 50 Democrats voted guilty to convict President
Donald Trump. This was the most bipartisan vote to be conducted on a presidential impeachment
in the United States history. The exercise fell ten votes short of the recommended two-thirds for
conviction. During the impeachment, Senator Mitch McConnell, on top of voting guilty
following with a harsh speech in which he described President Donald Trump as "practically and
morally responsible for provoking the Capitol riot" (Biden et al., 2021). Biden, the new
President-elect who the Americans looked up to move the country forward, called upon the
people to unite after the verdict was given.
Mr. Burr had voted against carrying on the impeachment and later changed, making his
decision a surprise as he also accused President Trump of the capital riots. Mr. Cassidy had also
voted against moving on with the trial but later said he was convinced by the House
impeachment managers (Raskin et al., 2021). He argued that the constitution was more important
than any one person and that the President was guilty. Ms. Collins criticized Trump’s actions
extending to the riots. Ms. Murkowski criticizes Trump's actions before and during the Capitol

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1 The Impeachment and Trial of Former President Donald J. Trump Supervisor Date: 2 The Impeachment and Trial of Former President Donald J. Trump The second impeachment of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, happened on January 13, 2021. This was precisely one week before his official term expired. This was the second impeachment of President Donald Trump, and the fourth impeach t to be done on any President in the United States (U.S. House of Representatives Managers, 2021). President Donald Trump, therefore, became the first President in the United States to be impeached twice. However, being impeached is different from been convicted or denied from ever holding office again. The ball is now on the Senate to conduct a trial on former President Donald Trump and determine if he qualifies for future office. Seven senate republicans and all the 50 Democrats voted guilty to convict President Donald Trump. This was the most bipartisan vote to be conducted on a presidential impeachment in the United States history. The exercise fell ten votes short of the recommended two-thirds for conviction. During the impeachment, Senator Mitch McConnell, on top of voting guilty following with a harsh speech in which he described President Donald Trump as "practically and morally responsible for provoking the Capitol riot" (Biden et al., 2021). Biden, the new President-elect who the Americans looked up to move the country forward, called upon the people to unite after the v ...
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