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Regional Vs. National Housing Price Comparison

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Southern New Hampshire University
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Regional vs. National Housing Price Comparison Report 1
Report: Regional vs. National Housing Price Comparison
[Your Name]
Southern New Hampshire University

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Regional vs. National Housing Price Comparison Report 2
Purpose: The goal of this analysis is to assess whether attributes of the houses listed in the
Pacific region differ significantly from the national market. The main questions to be
answered in this report are the following:
1. Are housing prices in the Pacific region market higher than the national market average?
2. Is the square footage for homes in the Pacific region different than the average square
footage for homes in the national market?
3. What is the range of values for the 95% confidence interval of square footage for homes
in the Pacific region market?
In order to answer these questions, a random selection of houses listed in the Pacific region
will be obtained and two hypothesis tests will be conducted the first for the parameter of
the average housing prices in the Pacific region and the second for the average square
footage of the home listings in the Pacific region.
Sample: A sample of observations was selected from the Pacific region through the use of a
simple random sample. Current listings within a database were assigned arbitrary numbers
using a random number generator, and then a sample of 100 listings were pulled in ascending
order of the number assigned by the random number generator. Specifically, the
=RANDBETWEEN(0,1000) function in Excel was used to assign each listing a number.
Each observation contained the following information about the listing: state, county, house
listing price, cost per square foot, and square footage.
Questions and type of test: The first hypothesis to be tested is that the average price for housing
listings in the Pacific region are significantly more expensive than those of the national

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Regional vs. National Housing Price Comparison Report Report: Regional vs. National Housing Price Comparison [Your Name] Southern New Hampshire University 1 Regional vs. National Housing Price Comparison Report 2 Introduction Purpose: The goal of this analysis is to assess whether attributes of the houses listed in the Pacific region differ significantly from the national market. The main questions to be answered in this report are the following: 1. Are housing prices in the Pacific region market higher than the national market average? 2. Is the square footage for homes in the Pacific region different than the average square footage for homes in the national market? 3. What is the range of values for the 95% confidence interval of square footage for homes in the Pacific region market? In order to answer these questions, a random selection of houses listed in the Pacific region will be obtained and two hypothesis tests will be conducted – the first for the parameter of the average housing prices in the Pacific region and the second for the average square footage of the home listings in the Pacific region. Sample: A sample of observations was selected from the Pacific region through the use of a simple random sample. Current listings within a database were assigned arbitrary numbers using a random number generator, and then a sample of 100 listings were pulled in ascending order of the number assigned by the random number generator. Specifically, the =RANDBETWEEN(0,100 ...
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