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Political Science
Yale University
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My views of what makes a true democracy are; a power structure in which the actual power
remains in the hands of the people. A political format that comprises more than one political
party as to maintain a balance. Voters control unequivocally, the elections, elected officials, the
right to remove any elected official from office for failures to properly represent, and a free and
open market society. States or other divisions of the country shall retain sovereign authority over
their matters with the power to legislate, enact and enforce policies, laws or acts that pertain to
them and the central government shall not infringe upon the rights of the people to conduct trade.
Characteristics that are non-negotiable are: Free and open elections, multi-party ticket, a strong
Constitution that is adhered to, power remains with the people and states or provinces shall retain
sovereign powers over their own segment of government and a bill of rights that ensures equality
and fairness for all people.
My ideal democracy would be a direct democracy in which the people would represent
themselves, not elect representatives as in a representative democracy. To function in this format,
high public awareness and participation is necessary but once empowered, the people would be
able to, under the rule of majority control policy, law making, foreign affairs, the judiciary, and
all other facets of government. This model takes away all the corruption and graft that seems to
make its way into government and really create a utopian society. I believe this is referred to as
“pure democracy.” I would also encourage a free open market system, capitalism, but of course
this would be up to a majority vote…

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Democracy My views of what makes a true democracy are; a power structure in which the actual power remains in the hands of the people. A political format that comprises more than one political party as to maintain a balance. Voters control unequivocally, the elections, elected officials, the right ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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