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Starbucks Corporation Marketing Strategy

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University of Florida
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Starbucks Corporation Marketing Strategy
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Starbucks Corporation Marketing Strategy
Key Details
Since its conception in 1971, Starbucks Corporation has majored in roasting, brewing,
and selling high-quality coffee products to its esteemed customers. Existing as one of the largest
multinational coffeehouses, the company sells billions of natural blended coffee products to
various global customers. Besides beverage products, Starbucks sells snacks, brewing
equipment, mugs, accessories, books, and gifts ("Starbucks Company Profile," 2021). Moreover,
the company provides high-quality fast food products such as salads, yoghurt parfaits, and baked
pastries, hot and cold sandwiches. Starbucks buys high-quality coffee beans from individual
growers located in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. The majority of the coffeehouse's customers
are white-collar professional employees that reside in urban areas. Although the company
frequently serves younger and elder customers, most of its customers range from forty to forty-
five years.
SWOTT Analysis
Inarguably, Starbucks’ positive brand image functions as its major strength. According to
Wahyuni (2019), the consistent flow of customers in Starbucks is associated with the company's
positive brand image to its global companies. The increasing number of customers has led
reflexively enabled the company to operate as one of the strongest and most popular brands in
the world. Moreover, Starbucks enjoys an extensive, reliable global supply chain that enables the
company to efficiently distribute its products to its domestic and foreign operators. The supply
chains enable the company to reach its customers throughout the world. Lastly, the company has

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1 Starbucks Corporation Marketing Strategy Name Institution Course Code: Course Name Professor Date 2 Starbucks Corporation Marketing Strategy Key Details Since its conception in 1971, Starbucks Corporation has majored in roasting, brewing, and selling high-quality coffee products to its esteemed customers. Existing as one of the largest multinational coffeehouses, the company sells billions of natural blended coffee products to various global customers. Besides beverage products, Starbucks sells snacks, brewing equipment, mugs, accessories, books, and gifts ("Starbucks Company Profile," 2021). Moreover, the company provides high-quality fast food products such as salads, yoghurt parfaits, and baked pastries, hot and cold sandwiches. Starbucks buys high-quality coffee beans from individual growers located in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. The majority of the coffeehouse's customers are white-collar professional employees that reside in urban areas. Although the company frequently serves younger and elder customers, most of its customers range from forty to fortyfive years. SWOTT Analysis Strengths Inarguably, Starbucks’ positive brand image functions as its major strength. According to Wahyuni (2019), the consistent flow of customers in Starbucks is associated with the company's positive brand image to its global companies. The increasing number of customers has led reflexively enabled the company to operate as one of the strongest and most popular brands in the world ...
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