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Somatic Symptom Disorders

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Social Science
Walden University
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SOMATIC SYMPTOM DISORDERS STUDENT NAME: INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION: COURSE: DATE: FIRST MEETING • My first meeting with Jennifer would aim at understanding her, her symptoms, any medication she uses, and her emotional well-being. • Certain steps would help guide the first meeting and facilitate understanding of her circumstances and needs. • The first step would involve connecting with the client. • The next step would be encouraging her to speak up. • I would then engage her in a session. The session would involve asking her questions and recording her responses. ADVOCACY • Since Jennifer would be my client, I would also proceed to work with her medical team in an advocacy position. • Given the nature of her ailment, Jennifer may encounter prejudice and judgment. I would work with the team to protect her from such prejudice, I would choose to work with the physician and a different psychiatrist. • I would ensure to keep the medical team informed about her progress to facilitate further analysis and pharmacological care if necessary. • I would also work with the team to recognize her needs and ensure she receives social and financial assistance. BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL APPROACH • In Jennifer’s case, a biopsychosocial approach would be necessary since she has been diagnosed with conversion disorder. • It is characterized by physical symptoms that have no biological explanations but are instead linked to major distress. • For Jennifer’s ongoing c ...
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