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Religion 2

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Colorado State University: Global Campus
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Running head: RELIGION 1
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1. Religion has played a major role in American society since 1619. Consider the Second
Great Awakening and transcendentalism; in what ways did they reflect antebellum
society's concerns?
The Second Great Awakening was the revival of Protestant religious acts in the early
1900s in America. As a significant religious reform movement, it highlighted the individual.
Transcendentalism was more of the individual and having an in-depth understanding of the
world in the absence of Christianity's influence. The primary concern was politics, particularly
matters of democracy contained in Alexis de Tocqueville's writings (Johnson, 2020). The
movement reflects individual thoughts and practices that are against the desires of the majority.
The Great Awakening and transcendentalism reflect concerns of antebellum society in a
reasonable manner. The antebellum society's focus was on limiting alcohol consumption,
enhancing women's human rights protection, and abolishing slavery. Primarily, the antebellum
society aimed to safeguard an individual's human rights and propel society's advancement.
2. What was the Second Great Awakening's influence on abolition, women's status, and the
The Second Great awakening event met people's expectations and drew the majority's
attention under Christianity. The event received overwhelming support from a rising political
party, especially in the antebellum Whig party, to reform the evangelical humanitarian
organization's structure and solve existing social issues not aligned to the religion. Since the
event was part of God's plan, its impact on abolition, women's status, and the poor relied on the
optimistic interpretation of the Bible for equal opportunity and human rights (Rogers, 2010). The
leading issue was that gender role was not wholly equalized because of the male prioritized

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Running head: RELIGION 1 Religion Student's Name Institutional Affiliation RELIGION 2 Religion 1. Religion has played a major role in American society since 1619. Consider the Second Great Awakening and transcendentalism; in what ways did they reflect antebellum society's concerns? The Second Great Awakening was the revival of Protestant religious acts in the early 1900s in America. As a significant religious reform movement, it highlighted the individual. Transcendentalism was more of the individual and having an in-depth understanding of the world in the absence of Christianity's influence. The primary concern was politics, particularly matters of democracy contained in Alexis de Tocqueville's writings (Johnson, 2020). The movement reflects individual thoughts and practices that are against the desires of the majority. The Great Awakening and transcendentalism reflect concerns of antebellum society in a reasonable manner. The antebellum society's focus was on limiting alcohol consumption, enhancing women's human rights protection, and abolishing slavery. Primarily, the antebellum society aimed to safeguard an individual's human rights and propel society's advancement. 2. Wh ...
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