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Is Hunger A Solvable Problem

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Is Hunger a Solvable Problem? What Does it Take for a Malnourished Person to Recover?
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Is Hunger a Solvable Problem? What Does it Take for a Malnourished Person to Recover?
Discuss whether or not you think hunger is a solvable problem. Support your answer!
According to Concern USA (2020), hunger is definitely a solvable problem. The first
solution to hunger problem is engaging in climate smart agriculture. This refers to the use of
strategies that will empower farmers and their products to be resilient against unpredictable
climate and weather conditions. This include use of diversified crop variety as well as low-water
sack gardens. Another solution to world hunger is stopping forced migration (Concern USA,
2020). Forced migration due to political conflict is a cause of hunger since it displaces people
from their land, where they could tender crops and rear animals for food. Reducing food waste is
another major solution to world hunger. It is estimated that at least 1.3 billion tons of food is
wasted each year (Concern USA, 2020). Reducing food wastage could help to enhance its reach
to the deserving population. Disaster risk reduction is another solution to world hunger. The
occurrence of disasters is a major contributor to hunger since it destabilizes community efforts to
produce food. Occurrence of both man-made and natural disasters leads to destruction of food
crops as well as destabilize normal routines for agriculture (Concern USA, 2020). There is also
need for controlling crop infections and infestations as a strategy for reducing hunger. Crop
infection leads to loss of valuable crop yields and is a major cause of food shortages across the
world. Using bio fortification to enhance crop resistance to diseases as well as enhance their
value in the human body is also a great way of fighting hunger (Concern USA, 2020).
Based on the Minnesota Semi-starvation Study, what would it take for a homeless person to
recuperate from malnutrition?
From the Minnesota Semi-starvation Study, there is need to supply enough food to people
suffering from malnutrition in order to help their bodies build up the lost muscles and destroyed

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Running head: IS HUNGER A SOLVABLE PROBLEM? Is Hunger a Solvable Problem? What Does it Take for a Malnourished Person to Recover? Student’s name: Institutional affiliation: 1 IS HUNGER A SOLVABLE PROBLEM? 2 Is Hunger a Solvable Problem? What Does it Take for a Malnourished Person to Recover? Discuss whether or not you think hunger is a solvable problem. Support your answer! According to Concern USA (2020), hunger is definitely a solvable problem. The first solution to hunger problem is engaging in climate smart agriculture. This refers to the use of strategies that will empower farmers and their products to be resilient against unpredictable climate and weather conditions. This include use of diversified crop variety as well as low-water sack gardens. Another solution to world hunger is stopping forced migration (Concern USA, 2020). Forced migration due to political conflict is a cause of hunger since it displaces people from their land, where they could tender crops and rear animals for food. Reducing food waste is another major solution to world hunger. It is estimated that at least 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted each year (Concern USA, 2020). Reducing food wastage c ...
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