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University of California at Fresno
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American History
John Doe
University of California at Fresno
26 April 2021

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ID 1: Shays Rebellion
The Shay Rebellion was an armed movement named after Daniel Shays, a farmer, and former
soldier. The uprising conducted series of attacks on courthouses and various government
properties in Massachusetts. These violent attacks began in 1786 resulting in a full-propelled
military confrontation in 1787. The armed rebels were comprised of mostly ex-revolutionary war
soldiers who had become farmers. They opposed the state economic policies that spurred poverty
and foreclosures of property.
I chose Shays Rebellion because its causes resulted in the economic reforms in the USA. Some
of its causes include the little compensation paid to farmers that fought in the revolutionary war
and the higher taxes expected to be paid to Massachusetts compared to those that the residents
previously paid to the British. Also, the businesses in Boston were required to pay for goods
Purchased by farmers on credit yet there was no paper money nor valuables such as gold or
silver to settle the debts.
ID 2: Second Great Awakening,
The second awakening was a religious revival in the United States beginning from the late 18
century to 19 century. Although it occurs in every part of the US, it was particularly strong in the
Midwest and Northeast. It began as a revival in 179 and later became a movement in 1800. After
1820, the number of members had increased rapidly among Baptist and Methodist congregation,
whose preachers formed the leadership of the movement.

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DOE 1 American History John Doe University of California at Fresno 26 April 2021 DOE 2 ID 1: Shays Rebellion The Shay Rebellion was an armed movement named after Daniel Shays, a farmer, and former soldier. The uprising conducted series of attacks on courthouses and various government properties in Massachusetts. These violent attacks began in 1786 resulting in a full-propelled military confrontation in 1787. The armed rebels were comprised of mostly ex-revolutionary war soldiers who had become farmers. They opposed the state economic policies that spurred poverty and foreclosures of property. I chose Shays Rebellion because its causes resulted in the economic reforms in the USA. Some of its causes include the little compensation paid to farmers that fought in the revolutionary war and the higher taxes expected to be paid to Massachusetts compared to those that the residents previously paid to the British. Also, the businesses in Boston were required to pay for goods Purchased by farmers on credit yet there was no paper money nor valuables such as gold or silver to settle the debts. ID 2: Second Great Awakening, The second awakening was a religious revival in the United States beginning from the late 18 century to 19 century. Although it occurs in every part of the US, it was particularly strong in the Midwest and Northeast. It began as a revival in 179 and later became a movement in 1800. After 1820, the number of members had increased rapidly among Baptist and Methodis ...
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