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Using Prayer And Scripture In Counseling

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Social Work
Liberty University
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Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
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Professor's Name
Assignment Due Date

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Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling
Danielle was the product of a highly chaotic home in which the mother was addicted
to drugs and abused alcohol daily. The four children in the house were removed by Child
Protective Services and placed in foster care; Danielle was five at foster care placement. She
never knew her father. The foster family was "religious" and took Danielle and her five foster
siblings to church each Sunday. At home, the foster father had little emotional interaction
with the childrenDanielle would later say that he was "in it just for the money." The foster
mother seemed overwhelmed with the responsibility of the children and would use excessive
corporal punishment for slight infractions. During the beatings, the foster mother would recite
verses such as Ephesians 6:1 and would require the children to memorize passages that
seemed to justify the harsh treatment. Danielle, now in middle school, was referred to the
Christian social services agency where you are a therapist. She has exhibited both verbal and
physical outbursts at school. You are eager to show Danielle that God loves her and can help
her with her problems. For her part, Danielle seems pretty disinterested in "religion." Finally,
although this case refers to a "Christian" social services agency, briefly review what you can
and cannot do if this were a public service setting regarding expressing your beliefs and faith.
In looking at the history surrounding Danielle, her counseling session will be a work
in progress. Using the METAMORPH grid to assist in the "outside-in" approach changed her
behavior and provided her support. Knowing she has no interest in religion, I will steer
towards a psychological session in the beginning, given her history of being removed from
her birth mother with her siblings and placed in a foster home. Then being placed in a foster
home and realizing that situation was not an improvement. As illustrated by her when she
said he foster father there but, in the end, it was for the money. At the beginning of the
sessions with Danielle, I want to discuss her experiences at school that caused her behavior.
Letting me know how she felt, I will try to establish common ground. Choosing to share

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1 Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number Professor's Name Assignment Due Date 2 Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling Danielle was the product of a highly chaotic home in which the mother was addicted to drugs and abused alcohol daily. The four children in the house were removed by Child Protective Services and placed in foster care; Danielle was five at foster care placement. She never knew her father. The foster family was "religious" and took Danielle and her five foster siblings to church each Sunday. At home, the foster father had little emotional interaction with the children—Danielle would later say that he was "in it just for the money." The foster mother seemed overwhelmed with the responsibility of the children and would use excessive corporal punishment for slight infractions. During the beatings, the foster mother would recite verses such as Ephesians 6:1 and would require the children to memorize passages that seemed to justify the harsh treatment. Danielle, now in middle school, was referred to the Christian social services agency where you are a therapist. She has exhibited both verbal and physical ou ...
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