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Marketing strategy class lectures_237873331-GP-Marketing-Strategy

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1. Executive Summary Cellular phone has become such a vital necessity if our day to day life that we can not spend a single day without it. In the current scenario of today’s telecom sector, we find some names everywhere and their activities are touching our lives. The name of the cellular operators like GrameenPhone, Robi, Banglalink, and Citycell & Teletalk is expanding with their activities to gain their respective goals. To execute their goals accurately, they adopt several marketing strategies. In my report I have focused the vital business strategies from different viewpoints of GrameenPhone. From this analysis we have able to identify their process of capturing different generations and the key factors of their market acceptance. From this study we are able to know about market segmentations, positions, marketing mix, SWOT analysis and various special features of GrameenPhone. Then I have discussed about the competitive advantage of the company. From the discussion we have found that grameenphone is the market leader, banglalink is the market challenger, Robi is the market follower and Citycell is the market nicher. Then last of all I have analyzed the SWOT analysis. In SWOT analysis I have tried to discuss about the strength weakness opportunities and treats as broadly as possible. Then I have discussed about the marketing mix strategies. Marketing strategies are the strategies of each company with 4ps that is product, price, place and promotion. I have tried to dis ...
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