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Edited Jazz Music

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CUNY City College of New York
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Jazz Music
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Jazz Music
Jazz Music is a music genre whose creation comes from the African-American
communities and the performance mostly in bands, but in this case, Armstrong is performing as a
solo artist in a band. The music as performed by Louis Armstrong comprises swing and blue
notes employed that creates musicality to the words that Armstrong performs. It included
complex chords achieved from the guitars used in the music performance and piano. While
Armstrong soloes the music, there are call and response vocals from the band members to make
the music lively and involving the audience. However, Louis Armstrong's performance is
different from the band jazz presented as orchestra while playing in a group. Armstrong pursues
polyrhythms and improvisation, which permanently changes the art's performance by making
solo singing the focal point of the music's conveyance. The actions include the use of trumpets
and cornets that accompany the art.
Louis Armstrong's music is a motivation for his talent in scat singing. The music
comprises improvising vocals to produce sounds that could generate a musical instrument. The
improvised sounds include wordless vocables or no words blended with the instrumentals to
form a musical art performed as solo Jazz Music. The syllables forming the music do not make
sense, and the meaningless words are for the creation of melodies and rhythm using the voice as
Louis Armstrong showcases the mastery of the work. Armstrong uses voice as the primary
instrument and the real instruments as accompaniment instead of performed as a peaking
medium. The music shows how the art performance perception is within people since most
artists cannot do scat singing similar to Armstrong. The performance shows a mature voice
utilization to maintain the music tempo and provide an appealing artistry work that attracts
people to Jazz Music.

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1 Jazz Music Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date 2 Jazz Music Jazz Music is a music genre whose creation comes from the African-American communities and the performance mostly in bands, but in this case, Armstrong is performing as a solo artist in a band. The music as performed by Louis Armstrong comprises swing and blue notes employed that creates musicality to the words that Armstrong performs. It included complex chords achieved from the guitars used in the music performance and piano. While Armstrong soloes the music, there are call and response vocals from the band members to make the music lively and involving the audience. However, Louis Armstrong's performance is different from the band jazz presented as orchestra while playing in a group. Armstrong pursues polyrhythms and improvisation, which permanently changes the art's performance by making s ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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