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The Coffee Wars Case Study Answer

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Saudi electronic university
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The Coffee Wars Case Study Answer
Question-1 Answer
SWOT analysis for Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts is showing that these companies are
connected with the latest marketing tools as these are useful for the creation of connections
between customers and companies. Both companies are modifying their business operations
according to the customer demands because it is a source of strength in business relations.
Moreover, technological concern in the production, distribution, and presentation of products is
certain, and it is producing likable outcomes in the business formats as well (Grewal, D. & Levy,
2020). Moreover, Starbucks has some weak points as it is not meeting the demands of the
customers in the variation of products. It is focused on coffee products, and the same case of
threat is relevant to Dunkin Donuts too. This condition is creating complexities in the business
objectives, and companies are facing limitations in the business development plans. Moreover,
the analysis of investment in any company among Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks is
preferred as it is connected with customers directly by the use of social media platforms. The
company has official accounts on different social media sites, and these are helpful to improve
digital marketing concepts with the business accomplishment in the market (Grewal, D. & Levy,
Question-2 Answer
Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts have raised their growth level with the utilization of
innovative resources for effective communication among the customers in the Saudi market. This
technique is a powerful method for expanding the attraction of the consumers in the buying of
specific products easily. This process is maintained with the manual features in the past for the

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success of the business in the competitive market. In the present age, Starbucks and Dunkin
Donuts companies are using social media tools for the creation of effective connections between
the customers and companies with commercial success and development as well (Brizek, 2012).
This scenario is improving the business opportunities for the company, as it can perform in the
market successfully with the use of social media resources. Starbucks has opened its accounts on
all social media platforms, and consumers can connect with the company effectively. Likewise,
Dunkin Donuts has created a social app, and it can be utilized by the customers for the
presentation of effective feedback about the products and services. These communicational
sources are producing likable results in the Saudi market for Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts
companies, and they can procure their business objectives with success and easiness in the
competitive scenario.
Question-3 Answer
Developing new products for a coffee chain is possible in the local Saudi market with the
creation of an effective communication system among all stakeholders. For this purpose,
companies can operate social media accounts, and these are useful for the sharing of information
about new products and services according to the market demands. Likewise, the companies can
use the promotion schemes with the use of social media channels, and it is the cause of business
success with the effectiveness of the supply chain system in the market (Butler, 2018).
Moreover, customers can communicate with the company about the benefits and losses of new
products. This strategy is providing suitable opportunities for the company to perform adequate
modifications in the marketing policy. It means that the local Saudi market is operating with the
success of communicational power, which is an effective element to promote the business
effectively. The product agents can promote the products with the use of innovative plans of

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The Coffee Wars Case Study Answer Question-1 Answer SWOT analysis for Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts is showing that these companies are connected with the latest marketing tools as these are useful for the creation of connections between customers and companies. Both companies are modifying their business operations according to the customer demands because it is a source of strength in business relations. Moreover, technological concern in the production, distribution, and presentation of products is certain, and it is producing likable outcomes in the business formats as well (Grewal, D. & Levy, 2020). Moreover, Starbucks has some weak points as it is not meeting the demands of the customers in the variation of products. It is focused on coffee products, and the same case of threat is relevant to Dunkin Donuts too. This condition is creating complexities in the business objectives, and companies are facing limitations in the business development plans. Moreover, the analysis of investment in any company among Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks is preferred as it is connected with customers directly by the use of social media platforms. The company has official accounts on diffe ...
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