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Love An Artifact

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Health & Medical
Miami Dade College
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Saints Cosmas and Damian: Patrons to Pharmacists September 26 mark the feast of
Damian and saint Cosmas; they were said to cure blindness, paralysis, fever, and expelling a breast
serpent. They were arrested based on their faith because of their fame and faith as healers. The
emperor at that time was constrictive, and he preferred the traditional Gods. He issued several
edits, which was an attempt to wipe out Christianity in his region. The twins and their brothers
were condemned to the sea, but God rescued them through the use of angels. They were later
burned, but nothing happened to them; there were crucified, and arrows shot at them, which had
no effect.
There were hundreds of stories that are attributed to the saints. Their reputation spread
through Europe, especially after attaching a leg of a recently dead man to a sick man. Even emperor
Justin believed their intercession had healed him. However, there was no differentiation in a clear
way on who was the pharmacist and who was a physician. Pharmacists later identified the patron
as St Damian; his statue is identified as he holds a motor and pestle; the statues are build facing
each other, which might be to point out they were brothers. The Italian feasts of St Damian and
Cosmas are still celebrated in the feast of the healing (Leslie, 2020).
I believe the artifact is essential as it portrays the importance of fighting for what one
believes despite it being different. There are many challenges when one is set to achieve
something, but being persistent will see to it that one is successful. The twins were used as a
medical symbol over time; if they gave up, the medical aspect of issues would not have been
bigger. To me, the brothers also symbolize the relationship between the pharmacists and the
physician, they both exist together to serve a common purpose, and there are hardships that are
endured but which should be fought with that will, in the end, mean a stronger medical presence.

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Running Head: HISTORY 1 HISTORY Student Name Institution Affiliation HISTORY 2 “Saints Cosmas and Damian: Patrons to Pharmacists” September 26 mark the feast of Damian and saint Cosmas; they were said to cure blindness, paralysis, fever, and expelling a breast serpent. They were arrested based on their faith because of their fame and faith as healers. The emperor at that time was constrictive, and he preferred the traditional Gods. He issued several edits, which was an attempt to wipe out Christianity in his region. The twins and their brothers were condemned to the sea, but God rescued them through the use of angels. They were later burned, but nothing happened to them; there were crucified, and arrows shot at them, which had no effect. There were hundreds of stories that are attributed to the saints. Their reputation spread through Europe, especially after attaching a leg of a recently dead man to a sick man. Even emperor Justin believed their intercession had healed him. However, there was no differentiation in a clear way on who was the pharmacist and who was a physician. Pharmacists later identified the patron as St Damian; his statue is identified as he holds a mot ...
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