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CJS 240 W5 Study Notes

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DQ 1
Death Penalty for Juveniles
Why would any court of law execute a child 16-years-old and that child has not fully maximized their
learning potential regardless of how heinous the crime may seem? On the other hand, if I were a relative
of the victim, would I share the same sentiments regarding the taking of that child’s life? Hmm, I must
admit I am not too certain, but only time and an experience may bring forth or reveal such
answers. Therefore, in lieu of the aforementioned questions, evidently the issue surrounding the death
penalty and juveniles is controversial, but from a personal standpoint, the legal age that juveniles should
be sentenced for capital murder much more the death penalty should be 21.
There are two main reasons why I believe that juveniles under 21 much more 16 should not be sentenced
to death for crime or crimes committed. First, numerous research has illustrated that children do not reach
maximum neurological maturity until their “late teens” (Siegel and Welsh, 2005). Contrastingly enough,
other members of society contend that juveniles regardless of their age should be held accountable for
their actions. Secondly, most state laws in the juvenile justice system stipulate treatment or punishment
for juveniles until they are either 18 or 21 years of age, so why the same laws cannot be applied to the
death sentence regarding juveniles. Finally, even the Supreme Courts’ decisions over the years have been
somewhat controversial among the justices, but there has been a developing trend regarding upholding the
death penalty for crimes committed by juveniles (CNN, 2005).
CNN Washington Bureau. (March 01, 2005). High court: Juvenile death penalty
unconstitutional. Retrieved June 30, 2009,
Siegel, L. J. and Welsh, B. C. (2005). Juvenile delinquency: The core. (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson

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WEEK 5 DQ 1 Death Penalty for Juveniles Why would any court of law execute a child 16-years-old and that child has not fully maximized their learning potential regardless of how heinous the crime may seem? On the other hand, if I were a relative of the victim, would I share the same sentiments reg ...
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