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Complaint Letter

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My Name
My Address
June 2022
Jarir Store, Al Khobar
Eastern Province.
To the Manager,
I am writing to bring to your attention a complaint about a faulty laptop that I purchased from your
store. On 13
June 2022 at 2.30 pm, I visited your shop and purchased a Galaxy Book Samsung
laptop of serial number 66985214733. I was highly optimistic of its performance and I got an
assurance from one of your staff that the laptop would be exceptional. However, when I tried to
use the laptop that evening, I realized that I had multiple faults which I had not anticipated. First,
the laptop does not boot correctly and keeps restarting. The keyboard is also faulty as some keys
are not functional. Additionally, the laptop does not connect to the internet. I am disappointed and
frustrated in this product as it does not serve the intended purpose.
For us to amicably resolve this issue, I will appreciate if you offered me a full refund of my money,
after I return the faulty laptop. Following this unfortunate experience, I am no longer confident in
your services and products. Therefore, I neither want to bring the laptop for repair nor get a
replacement of the same. Enclosed herein is the copies of the receipts of my purchase, and the
serial number of the laptop. I am in possession of the original documents.
I look forward to your speedy reply and a resolution to the issue I have raised. Kindly reply before
3oth June 2022. After the stated date, I will seek legal means of solving the dispute.
(Your Name)

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My Name My Address 15th June 2022 Jarir Store, Al Khobar Eastern Province. To the Manager, I am writing to bring to your attention a complaint about a faulty laptop that I purchased from your store. On 13th June 2022 at 2.30 pm, I visited your shop and purchased a Galaxy Book Samsung laptop of seri ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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