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Law Assignment

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Law Assignment

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Law Assignment
1. Which policy tool is being used to influence environmental practices on agricultural
land? Why?
From the provided annual reports, one could deduce that the utilized policy tool is the
financial incentive policy. According to Wallander (2019), this tool offers fees to agriculturalists
and landowners to promote activities that are valuable to the environment, or levy agronomists
with the aim of dissuading destructive ventures. Largely, these spurs are nearly constantly
centered on the use of particular procedures that are anticipated to possess constructive results, as
opposed to the assessment of the real outcomes. Ideally, this is usually the case due to the
complications encountered in quantifying ecological consequences from preservation and
manufacturing processes. More specifically, both constructive and adverse inducements, like
imbursements to agriculturalists and penalties or levies, respectively, generate a prospect outlay
of taking part in activities that harm the environment. However, the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) has in reality only applied positive spurs to encourage the deliberate
implementation of protection procedures.
2. What do you think of the public outlay of funds to support these environmental
practices? Consider your answer from the perspective of an agricultural producer,
then consider the answer from the perspective of a consumer/citizen.
From the outlook of an agricultural producer, I suppose that this outlay of funds could be
risky. As Searchinger, et al. (2020) contend, funding fees possess some weaknesses for profiting
waged agronomists, given that a number of their worth is normally exploited into advanced
acreage standards. In turn, the outcome of capitalization characterizes as a non-recurrent
advantage for owners of land, a few of whom could be deprived, although most of them are
usually fairly affluent.
Conversely, a consumer or citizen could view this public outlay of funds as being beneficial,
since it leads to more sustainable agricultural practices. As OnePlate (2019) posits, viable
agriculture tends to fulfill the prerequisites of the current cohort devoid of harming the capacity
for forthcoming groups to realize their requirements. Among other things, sustainable agriculture
also provides improved farm produces for the consumers due to decreased contamination, which
is achieved via the usage of lesser chemicals.

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Running head: LAW ASSIGNMENT 1 Law Assignment Name Institution LAW ASSIGNMENT 2 Law Assignment 1. Which policy tool is being used to influence environmental practices on agricultural land? Why? From the provided annual reports, one could deduce that the utilized policy tool is the financial incentive policy. According to Wallander (2019), this tool offers fees to agriculturalists and landowners to promote activities that are valuable to the environment, or levy agronomists with the aim of dissuading destructive ventures. Largely, these spurs are nearly constantly centered on the use of particular procedures that are anticipated to possess constructive results, as opposed to the assessment of the real outcomes. Ideally, this is usually the case due to the complications encountered in quantifying ecological consequences from preservation and manufacturing processes. More specifically ...
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