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Future digital strategy walmart

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Report on Organization's Future Digital Strategy
Author's Name: Usman Tariq
Module Title: Digital Economy
Module Code: 6WBS0020
Word Count: 2446

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The global discounting retailer, Wal-Mart has evolved over the time to cater to the needs
of people all around the globe. In response to the emerging globalization, the company entered
into the e-commerce industry while focusing on outcompeting the largest e-commerce company,
Amazon. The company has been investing heavily in infrastructure to complement its web orders
but the company faces several issues including the crumbling of its traditional business model,
piling up of the customer complaints, rising costs of logistics and the lacking service given to the
online consumers. To cater to all these issues and other potential threats, the company needs to
stop focusing on copying the business model of Amazon (Yohn, 2017). While Amazon remains
top of the list in e-commerce, Wal-Mart has the biggest advantage of having physical stores and
a huge distribution network. The company has also been making significant acquisitions to
expand into the online industry. The recent acquisition of is a very significant one since
the supply chains of both can be merged together to build a greater competitive advantage for the
business (Siebrecht, 2016). To rectify the issue regarding the customer experience, the company
needs to evolve several strategies like focusing on m-marketing and investing in technological
advancement so the problems can be resolved. The company needs to reapply the old strategy of
introducing greeters in the stores so the customers' satisfaction is enhanced. Moreover, the
company must introduce omni-channel retailing by integrating both e-commerce and the brick-
and-mortar stores. Once the strategic changes have been made and fully implemented, it
becomes imperative to measure the effectiveness of the strategies. For this purpose, Wal-Mart
needs to make use of a proper performance measurement system.

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WALMART'S DIGITAL STRATEGY 1 Report on Organization's Future Digital Strategy Author's Name: Usman Tariq Module Title: Digital Economy Module Code: 6WBS0020 Word Count: 2446 WALMART'S DIGITAL STRATEGY 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The global discounting retailer, Wal-Mart has evolved over the time to cater to the needs of people all around the globe. In response to the emerging globalization, the company entered into the e-commerce industry while focusing on outcompeting the largest e-commerce company, Amazon. The company has been investing heavily in infrastructure to complement its web orders but the company faces several issues including the crumbling of its traditional business model, piling up of the customer complaints, rising costs of logistics and the lacking service given to the online consumers. To cater to all these issues and other potential threats, the company needs to stop focusing on copying the business model of Amazon (Yohn, 2017). While Amazon remains top of the list in e-commerce, Wal-Mart has the biggest advantage of having physical stores and a huge distribution network. The company has also been making significant acquisitions to expand into the online industry. The recent acquisition of is a very significant one since the supply chains of both can be merged together to build a greater competitive advantage for the business (Siebrecht, 2016). To rectify the issue regarding the customer experience, the company needs to evolve several strategies like ...
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