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Respiration: Respiration is the process of releasing energy from the breakdown of glucose. Respiration takes place in every living cell; all of the time and all cells need to respire in order to produce the energy that they require. The energy produced during respiration is used in many different ways, some examples of what it is used for are: Working your muscles Growth and repair of cells Building larger molecules from smaller ones i.e. proteins from amino acids Allowing chemical reactions to take place Absorbing molecules in active transport Keeping your body temperature constant Sending messages along nerves Types of respiration There are two main types of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic Aerobic means “with air”. This type of respiration needs oxygen for it to occur so it is called aerobic respiration. The word equation for aerobic respiration is: Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy. The chemical equation is: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 2900 kJ/mol. Anaerobic means without air (“an” means without). Sometimes there is not enough oxygen around for animals and plants to respire, but they still need energy to survive. Instead they carryout respiration in the absence of oxygen to produce the energy they require this is called anaerobic respiration. Detail: Our muscles need oxygen and glucose to respire aerobically and produce the energy they require, these are carried to the muscle via the blood. However, if we were to carry out vigorous exerc ...
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