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BA365 Introduction to Operations Management

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BA365 Introduction to Operations Management
Module Assignments
Discussion Forum: Disney World
Case Study: Natural Designs Inc.
Discussion Forum: Baldridge
Case Study: Boutique Hotels
Discussion Forum: Vaccine Distribution
Assignment Questions Chapter 6
Discussion Forum: Weddings
Midterm exam
Discussion Forum: Black Friday
Assignment Questions Chapter 10
Discussion Forum: Lean Enterprise
Case Study: South Town Medical Center
Discussion Forum: Hotels
Case Study: Online Purchasing at McDonalds
Discussion Forum: Course Review
Final Exam

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Week 1
Explain how operations management activities affect the customer experiences
described in the anecdote at the beginning of this chapter. What “moments of truth”
would a customer at Disney World encounter? Think about the total experience
including lodging, food service, shopping, and transportation, as well as theme park
attractions and operations.
Operations Management is the science and art of ensuring goods and services
are created and delivered successfully to customers. The “moments of truth” expected
by a Disney customer are warm welcome at the entrance or at the reception, the fun
games, covering the Disney park with in a scheduled time, not missing any fun program,
the eatables like ice cream are expected. Apart from the customers also expect
decoration which impresses the children. The Facility layout of the park is also designed
that customers can find the route and also information about the items in the park. The
customers also expect that online booking and a single ticket for visiting all places in the
park. The ticket should also include a complementary food items for children. The rest
rooms suitable for children are also available. Since the actual customers are children
there the park must be clean and guides are available throughout the park for
The operations management tools like forecasting, quality management, facility
planning, process design, job design and service encounter design can be used by
Disney to achieve maximum customer satisfaction at the park.
Chapter 1 Case Study – Natural Designs Inc.
1. What types of decisions must Jim McMaster make on a daily basis for Natural
Designs to run smoothly? What kind of decisions must he make on a long-term basis?
Short-term decisions that have to be made, in terms of workforce, Jim has to
decide on a daily basis on how many employees will work on customized feeders

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BA365 Introduction to Operations Management Module Assignments 1 Discussion Forum: Disney World Case Study: Natural Designs Inc. 2 Discussion Forum: Baldridge Case Study: Boutique Hotels 3 Discussion Forum: Vaccine Distribution Assignment Questions Chapter 6 4 Discussion Forum: Weddings Midterm exam 5 Discussion Forum: Black Friday Assignment Questions Chapter 10 6 Discussion Forum: Lean Enterprise Case Study: South Town Medical Center 7 Discussion Forum: Hotels Case Study: Online Purchasing at McDonalds 8 Discussion Forum: Course Review Final Exam Week 1 Discussion Explain how operations management activities affect the customer experiences described in the anecdote at the beginning of this chapter. What "moments of truth" would a customer at Disney World encounter? Think about the total experience including lodging, food service, shopping, and transportation, as well as theme park attractions and operations. Operations Management is the science and art of ensuring goods and services are created and delivered successfully to customers. The "moments of truth" expected by a Disney customer are warm welcome at the entrance or at the reception, the fun games, covering the Disney park with in a scheduled time, not missing any fun program, the eatables like ice cream are expected. Apart from the customers also expect decoration which impresses the children. The Facility layout of the park is also designed that customers can find the route and also information about the items i ...
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