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Carpal bones: trapezium vs. trapezoid location
Since there's two T's in carpal bone mnemonic sentences, need to know which T is where: -
TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapeziOID is inSIDE. (Alternatively, TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapezOID
is by its SIDE.)
Medial malleolus: order of tendons, artery, nerve behind it ("Tom, Dick, And Nervous Harry"):
From anterior to posterior:
• Full names for these are: Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Posterior Tibial Artery, Posterior
Tibial Nerve, Flexor Hallicus Longus.
(Alternatively: "Tom, Dick ANd Harry". Alternatively: "Tom, Dick And Not Harry".)
Hip posterior dislocation: most likely arrangement for one
"Hitting the brake pedal before the accident":
You are sitting, so hip is flexed, and adducted and medially rotated so can move your foot away from the
gas pedal over to the brake pedal.
• Note: car accidents are most likely cause of posterior dislocation because in this position.
Tibia: muscles of pes anserinus (the muscles attached to tibia's medial side)
"A Girl between Two Sargeants":
Gracilus is between Sartorius and Semitendonosus
Genu valgum vs. genu varum
Genu valGUM (knock-knee): knees are GUMmed together.
Varum (bowleg) is the other by default, or Far rhymes with Var, so knees are far apart.
Cervical vertebra: landmarks at each level
"NoaH Told MariaH To Try Cervical Counting":
Nose (base), Hard palate: C1
Teeth: C2
Mandible, Hyoid bone: C3
Thyroid cartilage (upper): C4
Thyroid cartilage (lower): C5
Cricoid cartilage: C6
Cricoid cartilage (just below): C7
FABIRC-Flex Abd Int Rot Capsular pattern for HIP
FABERR-Flex Abd Ext Rot Resting posn for HIP

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ERABIRC- Ext Rot Abd Int Rot Capsular pattern for shoulder
HOTBOC-Homonynous hemianopsia Optic Tract Bitemporal hemianopsia Optic Chiasm
action of hip and lumbar in pelvic tilt
H ip
E xtension
L umbar
F lexion
P ost pelvic tilt
ionthophoresis, common ions dat use cathode
S alicylate
A cetate
D examethasone
I odine
C athode
Scared LOvers Tried Positions That They Cant Handle
From Proximal carpals lateral to medial(from thumb to little finger) in direction:SLTP
From Distal carpals Lateral to medial:TTCH(note that trapezIum comes first before trapezOid as letter I
before O.or use what sagittarian use as THUMB for trapeziUM.Dont forget that Scaphoid is commonly
fractured carpal and Lunate commonly disLocated.PateLla-lateral dislocation.Piso-hamate ligament
entrapped ulnar nerve in Tunnel of Guyon.
Oh! Oh! Oh! To Touch And Feel Virgin Girl's Va---a,So(Ahh!) Heaven!
Olfactory, optic(2 eyes not 2 nostrils only 1 nose) Occulomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal , Abducens, Facial,
Vestibulocochlear(balance and hearing), Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal Accessory or Accessory,
As to function sing it out load :SE SE MO MO MI MO MI SE MI MI MO MO!(SE-sensory,MO-motor,Mi-
If ur not musically inclined just remember:
Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter Most.
For EOM's (extra ocular ms) remember the formula LR6SO4(lateral rectus for CN6,superior oblique CN4

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Carpal bones: trapezium vs. trapezoid location Since there's two T's in carpal bone mnemonic sentences, need to know which T is where: TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapeziOID is inSIDE. (Alternatively, TrapeziUM is by the thUMB, TrapezOID is by its SIDE.) Medial malleolus: order of tendons, artery, nerve behind it ("Tom, Dick, And Nervous Harry"): From anterior to posterior: Tibialis Digitorum Artery Nerve Hallicus • Full names for these are: Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Posterior Tibial Artery, Posterior Tibial Nerve, Flexor Hallicus Longus. (Alternatively: "Tom, Dick ANd Harry". Alternatively: "Tom, Dick And Not Harry".) Hip posterior dislocation: most likely arrangement for one "Hitting the brake pedal before the accident": You are sitting, so hip is flexed, and adducted and medially rotated so can move your foot away from the gas pedal over to the brake pedal. • Note: car accidents are most likely cause of posterior dislocation because in this position. Tibia: muscles of pes anserinus (the muscles attached to tibia's medial side) "A Girl between Two Sargeants": Gracilus is between Sartorius and Semitendonosus Genu valgum vs. genu varum Genu valGUM (knock-knee) ...
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