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Final phil201 unit2

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Rachael Campbell

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PHIL201 Unit 2
The branch of philosophy concerned with the pursuit of knowledge is known as
epistemology. There are two kinds of knowledge in epistemology. The first is empirical
knowledge, also known as empiricism, which holds knowledge is gained by observing the world.
The second is Priori knowledge, also known as reason or rationalism. Some people believe as
humans, we have innate abilities that we are born with like, the innate ability to do math or speak
foreign languages at a higher level than their peers. Which was not acquired by the observing of
the physical world.
In everyday life they are found to be useful and necessary. Though philosophers have
debated for hundreds of years which one to use to answer the big questions. Such as. Is God real?
And what is the meaning of life? Though the philosophers f today might be overly concerned
with the shift from gaining knowledge. In the physical libraries due to the availability of e-
readers and applications of similar use. To be honest, I oppose with such an argument, because
philosophers ought not to concentrate on this change, because knowledge is now at the heart of
the matter and people can now access huge amounts of information and knowledge.
Truthfully, I feel it has opened up knowledge to the masses, and not simply those who
are willing to travel to the locations where knowledge has always been stored.
The libraries and schools are not the only places to acquire knowledge. It is now
accessible to all who want to learn, and even more to those who might have found it by accident,
as they stumbled through a website and realized the information caught their curiosity and led
them to gain that knowledge. So, I believe that yes, the sources from which knowledge is
obtaining might have shifted in this way.

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PHIL201 UNIT 2 Rachael Campbell AMERICAN INTERCONTINAL UNIVERSITY 05/25/2021 PHIL201 Unit 2 The branch of philosophy concerned with the pursuit of knowledge is known as epistemology. There are two kinds of knowledge in epistemology. The first is empirical knowledge, also known as empiricism, which holds knowledge is gained by observing the world. The second is Priori knowledge, also known as reason or rationalism. Some people believe as humans, we have innate abilities that we are born with like, the innate ability to do math or speak foreign languages at a higher level than their peers. Which was not acquired by the observing of the physical world. In everyday life they are found to be useful and necessary. Though philosophers have debated for hundreds of years which one to use to answer the big questions. Such as. Is God real? And what is the meaning of life? Though the philosophers f today might be overly concerned with the shift from gaining knowledge. In the physical libraries due to the availability of ereaders and applications of similar use. To be honest, I oppose with such an argument, because philosophers ought not to concentrate on this change, because knowledge is now at the heart of the matter and people can now access huge amounts of information and knowledge. Truthfully, I feel it has opened up knowledge to the masses, and not simply those who are willing to travel to the locations where knowledge has always been stored. The libraries and schools are not th ...
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