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Introduction Whether you're a beginning coach, somewhere in the middle, or have been coaching for a long time, creating your own online coaching academy can help you leverage your wisdom, knowledge and advice in an even bigger way. You can finally stop time for dollars. The truth be told, you can only scale 1-on-1 coaching so far. Pretty soon, the more your calendar fills up with 1 on 1 clients, the less time you'll find yourself having for the rest of your life. That's where an online academy comes in. With it, you're able to: a) Leverage your time and expertise b) Serve more people c) Offer your coaching at an affordable rate to those who might not be able to afford your higher prices d) Get your life back! The “Rules” Before we talk about the nuts and bolts of building your academy, it's important to address some "rules" when it comes to academy building. #1 Know Your Why You've got to have a reason that's bigger than the money. Why are you serving these people? Why do you care about their results? And remember, you've GOT to genuinely care. If you don't, it'll show. If you're not going to actively nurture your academy, this isn't the road for you. Having a successful academy requires leadership and community. You provide the leadership. As your academy grows, consider appointing 2 or 3 "team leaders" to help answer questions within the group and take some of the load off of you. #2 You must actively be building your email list Don't be the person t ...
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