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421669331 neuroanatomy exam 1 notes

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Introduction to Neuroanatomy 8/9/2019 2:28:00 AM
General functions of the nervous system
Detect and transmit sensory information (afferent)
o From the external world and the internal environment of the
body, including pain, vibration, desire to swallow, hunger,
etc., to the CNS
Deliver motor signals (efferent)
o To the muscles and glands of the body
o Coordinate motor functions of the body such as heart rate,
breathing, temperature, pain modulation, emotions (fear),
movement in response to pain; movement of body parts
Information processing
Functional divisions
Somaticbranch of NS of which we are conscious
Visceral (autonomic)branch of NS of which we are unconscious
Functional divisionsSomatic
Somaticbranch of NS of which we are conscious (Skin & Muscles)
o Sensory (afferent)receives info from sense organs
o Motor (efferent)controls voluntary muscles (skeletal)
Clinical correlationulnar neuropathy is caused by compression of
the ulnar nerve at the hand. Results in
numbness/weakness/tingling in the ring and little fingers lasting
from days to months
o Can happen with bikers who use the drop-down handlebar
where their hand is in lower position
Functional divisionsAutonomic
Visceral/autonomicbranch of NS of which we are unconscious
(regulates visceral organs, involuntary)
o Sensory
o Motor
Sympatheticinvolved in mobilizing resources of the
body when demands are increased (fight or flight)
Parasympatheticinvolved in restoration and energy
conservation (rest and digest)

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Clinical correlation (CC)autonomic disorders can result in blood
pressure problems, heart problems, trouble with breathing and
swallowing, and erectile dysfunction
o These disorders can occur alone or as the result of diseases
such as Parkinson’s, alcoholism, and diabetes
Anatomical divisions of the nervous system
Central nervous system (CNS)
o Brain
o Spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
o Ganglia
o Nerves
Anatomical components of the nervous system
Neuronsbasic structural component
o Soma (cell body)
o Axon
o Dendrites
Organization of neurons differs in the CNS and PNS
CNS organization
The brain and spinal cord contain:
o Gray matter
Nucleigroups of nerve cell bodies surrounding the
Cortexsheets of neurons
o White matter
Tractsbundles of axons
Afferent fibersarrive at a CNS region
Efferent fibersleave a CNS region
In the brain and spinal cord:
Gray matter
o Cell bodies of neurons and neuroglia organized either as
cortex (sheets) or nuclei (clusters)

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Introduction to Neuroanatomy 8/9/2019 2:28:00 AM General functions of the nervous system • Detect and transmit sensory information (afferent) o From the external world and the internal environment of the body, including pain, vibration, desire to swallow, hunger, etc., to the CNS • Deliver motor signals (efferent) o To the muscles and glands of the body o Coordinate motor functions of the body such as heart rate, breathing, temperature, pain modulation, emotions (fear), • movement in response to pain; movement of body parts Information processing Functional divisions • Somatic—branch of NS of which we are conscious • Visceral (autonomic)—branch of NS of which we are unconscious Functional divisions—Somatic • Somatic—branch of NS of which we are conscious (Skin & Muscles) o Sensory (afferent)—receives info from sense organs • o Motor (efferent)—controls voluntary muscles (skeletal) Clinical correlation—ulnar neuropathy is caused by compression of the ulnar nerve at the hand. Results in numbness/weakness/tingling in the ring and little fingers lasting from days to months o Can happen with bikers who use the drop-down handlebar where their hand is in lower position Functional divisions—Autonomic • Visceral/autonomic—branch of NS of which we are unconscious (regulates visceral organs, involuntary) o Sensory o Motor ▪ Sympathetic—involved in mobilizing resources of the body when demands are increased (fight or flight) ▪ Parasympatheti ...
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