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Ch 3 principles of democracy

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.org iities of Abya Yala: The Principles of Democracy of Citizens (ATTAC): Ii pftaa. org/ he word democracy comes from two Greek words: demos = people and kratos = rule. Therefore. the word means "rule by the people," sometimes called "popular sovereigny." and can refer to direct, participatory. and representative forms ofrule bp the people. Today the word has a positive meaning throughout most of the world-so much so that. to connect themselves with t h s positive image, even some political systems with little or n o rule by the people are called democratic. T h e following analysis uses a simple model of the key elements of democracy as it exists today: T I. Citizen involvement in decision malung 2. A system of representation 3. The rule of law 4. -4n electoral system-majorir) rule 5. Some degree of equality among citizens 6. Some degree of libern; o r freedom granted to or retained by citizens 7 . Education 60 PARTIII DEMOCRACY The classic response to elitist theories is to argue that (1) efficiency is not as important as the positive influence of participation o n the citizen and (2) the average citizen is probably capable of understanding most issues. T h e elitist theorists say, in efi-ecc, that classicalrepresentative democracy does not-even cannot-work in the modern world. Their opponents argue that a truly informed citizenry is even more important than in the past and that representative democracy can work even though new problems make it more difficul ...
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