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Climate change

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Climate Change
Humans: Reason or the Answer?
In the Bible, human is created by God to rule over all of his creation. Thus, it is us
humans who can make or break his creation. The disruption of our world our environment
is due to our desire of abrupt progress that brought about by the disruption and the balance
in nature.
The greenhouse gasses brought the shifts of the weather. The greenhouse gasses
that mainly composed of the carbon dioxide. And, where is this carbon dioxide coming
from? It is produced by factories in manufacturing our goods and commodities. Burning of
coil not just by this industries even in the agriculture sector, the deforestation or by simply
utilizing technology that emits CFC or chlorofluorocarbon.
Humans can be the reason for climate change and we can become the answer to this
problem, but how?
We can take public transportation instead of using our own cars that emit smoke
or we can ride a bike to conserve energy and become health in the process. Car-share by
doing simple things like this, we can help slow down/stop the emission of greenhouse
gasses and stop climate change. We can use solar power for electricity and avoid burning
of fossil fuels.
These are only few of the things that we can to slow and even stop climate
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Climate Change Humans: Reason or the Answer? In the Bible, human is created by God to rule over all of his creation. Thus, it is us humans who can make or break his creation. The disruption of our world our environment is due to our desire of abrupt progress that brought about by the disruption and the balance in nature. The greenhouse gasses brought the shifts of the weather. The greenhouse gasses that mainly composed of the carbon dioxide. And, where is this carbon dioxide coming from? It is produced by factories in manufacturing our goods and commodities. Burning of coil not just by this ...
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