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Assignment in living in the it era

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Assignment in Living in the IT Era
Select a device and identify its uses, the frequency of your usage, and experience in using it.
Headphones enable a person to listen to an audio source privately. It is also called ear
speakers or earphones. It is a portable device that anyone can bring anywhere. Headphones
are versatile in terms of connectivity whether Bluetooth, plugged in mobile phones, and others.
In addition, earphones are often used to serve various purposes
In our daily lives especially online classes. The students prefer to use earphones to
escape from external noises to avoid disturbances and provide focus towards the online class
discussion. In a day, 8- 10 hours most likely we use headphones to isolate from other people,
relax, increase the rate of productivity, stress management, and concentrate on what we are
Generally, headphones are devices to access sources of enjoyment and relaxation, however,
the frequent usage of this small portable device can cause some health problems. It causes the
ear muscles to pain and numb, while long term users can detect a small indication of deafness

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Assignment in Living in the IT Era Select a device and identify its uses, the frequency of your usage, and experience in using it. Headphones enable a person to listen to an audio source privately. It is also called ear speakers or earphones. It is a portable device that anyone can bring anywhere. H ...
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