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Chemistry 1 practice test 9

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I. DIRECTIONS: Identify the following
_________________________1. Can be observed and measured without changing the identity and
composition of the substance.
_________________________2. They are super unexcited and super cold atoms happen at super low
temperatures also called super atoms.
_________________________3.The elements that are hard, malleable, ductile, shiny (luster), good
conductors of heat and electricity.
_________________________4. A technique to separate mixtures, best for separating a solution of
two miscible liquids.
_________________________5. Physical blend of two or more components, each of which retains its own
identity and properties.
_________________________6. A branch of chemistry that study the mechanism, rates and energetics of
chemical reactions.
_________________________7. The one who understand the biochemical mechanisms and actions of drugs,
drug uses, therapeutic roles, side effects, potential drug interactions, and monitoring parameters.
_________________________8. A heterogeneous mixture that do not settle out of the mixture and cannot
be seen.
_________________________9. A type of compound that contain carbon.
_________________________10. It is used for manufacturing of soaps and candle and has a chemical
formula of C
_________________________11. A scientist specialising in spectroscopy. Analysis of spectra, especially light
or mass spectra, to determine properties of their source.
_________________________12. A homogeneous mixture that is uniform throughout.
_________________________13. The one that is remained on the filter paper after filtration.
_________________________14. Ability of a metal to be drawn into fine wires.
_________________________15. Ability of a metal to be flattened into thin sheets.
II. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Kim wants only the iron fillings but it is mix with dust of wood made by her brother which is the best
method she will use to separate them?
a. Chromatography
b. Magnetism
c. Filtration
d. Decantation
2. Which of the following method you will use if you are cooking rice using cauldron?
a. Chromatography
b. Magnetism
c. Filtration
d. Decantation
3. Which of the following mixtures could NOT be separated into its components by DECANTING?
a. Beans in hot water
b. Sand in water
c. Coffee in hot water
d. Rice in water
4. Suspensions are best separated by which process?
a. Chromatography
b. Magnetism

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AB CHEMISTRY 1 | PRACTICE TEST SET #9 I. DIRECTIONS: Identify the following _________________________1. Can be observed and measured without changing the identity and composition of the substance. _________________________2. They are super unexcited and super cold atoms happen at super low temperatures also called super atoms. _________________________3.The elements that are hard, malleable, ductile, shiny (luster), good conductors of heat and electricity. _________________________4. A technique to separate mixtures, best for separating a solution of two miscible liquids. ___________________ ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
