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Chemistry 1 practice test 10

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I. Identify the following terms being describe.
______________________1. Is the determination of the size and magnitude of something?
______________________2. Refers to the closeness of a measured value to a standard or known value
______________________3. Is all about the compactness in molecular arrangement in any substance which
decides how heavier or lighter any substance is.
______________________4. Occur when there are variations in the environment or in the measurement
______________________5. Are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements.
______________________6. Consist of all the digits known with certainty plus one more digit that is
uncertain or estimated
______________________7. The difference between the measured value and the actual value.
______________________8. A quantitative measure of much your measured values deviate from a standard
or expected value.
______________________9. Are more difficult to detect and cannot be analysed statistically.
______________________10. Refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other.
______________________11. are made up of atoms that are held together by chemical bonds.
______________________12. He provided the basic theory: all matterwhether element, compound, or
mixtureis composed of small particles called atoms.
______________________13. The atom central core composed of neutrons and protons.
______________________14. very light, negatively charged particle that exists in the region around the atom’s
positively charged nucleus
______________________15. a positively charged particles.
______________________16. He conducted a series of experiments that showed that atoms were not
indivisible particles also he discovered the electron.
______________________17. He discovered that the atom has a center called nucleus.
______________________18. He discovered the neutron and measured its mass.
______________________19. List of all known elements arrange in increasing atomic number in horizontal
rows and elements which are chemically alike fall under one another.
______________________20. the horizontal rows in the periodic table are called___________.
______________________21. the elements are arranged by russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev in order of
______________________22. the vertical rows are called_____________
______________________23. Discovered phosphorous (P)
______________________24. Proposed Law of Triads: In a triad of elements, the middle element when
ordered by atomic weight has properties that were an average of the other 2 elements.
______________________25. Published a periodic table using his proposed Law of Octaves using the analogy
of the 7 intervals on a musical scale.
II. Identify how many significant figures are in the digits below.
1.) 596231 6.) 0.00003 11.) 6589400000025
2.) 0.0026 7.) 101 12.) 5021200345260000
3.) 1.1504 8.) 2654 13.) 1.02
4.) 0.00453 9.) 10.15 14.) 1.00
5.) 301000 10.) 567954 15.)23015056480000000000

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AB CHEMISTRY 1 | PRACTICE TEST SET #10 I. Identify the following terms being describe. ______________________1. Is the determination of the size and magnitude of something? ______________________2. Refers to the closeness of a measured value to a standard or known value ______________________3. Is all about the compactness in molecular arrangement in any substance which decides how heavier or lighter any substance is. ______________________4. Occur when there are variations in the environment or in the measurement techniques. ______________________5. Are the basic units of matter and the de ...
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