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Part 1 Building Communication Skills
How might the patient view the encounter…do you think she felt rushed or was the service
efficient? Explain your rationale for your response.
By what the patient said was she had a somewhat unsatisfied visit yesterday I believe she
felt rushed and disappointed.
Identify the phrases or actions that suggested to the patient that the physician was
indifferent about their interactions.
a physician standing over the patient in a chair
did you use Google for a self-diagnosis…
The physician is leaning back against the wall, arms crossed, glancing down at the patient with a
questionable look …
However, most patients don’t do them.” (Dr. looks at the patient with a look of serious doubt).
Looking at the patient with a puzzled look…
“If you read the contraindications on the prescription pages you would know that this is serious.”
(said by Dr.X in a condescending tone).
“Please read this information and follow the instructions.” (accordion fold out of many pages)
The physician hurriedly escorts the patient out the door glancing at a watch
How well did the physician employ the Heart-Head-Heart model?
The physician did little to demonstrate the “caring” aspect of the model by showing little to no
Did the physician empathize with the patient? If yes, identify the message or actions that
suggest sincere empathy. If no, which communications led to your conclusion?
“…However, most patients don’t do them.” (Dr. looks at a patient with a look of serious doubt).
I feel the doctor did not show empathy he doesn’t even realize that she is having nose bleeds
which’s why she may not be able to do the exercise. He just looks at her doubtful like what she is
saying she is lying.
“Please read this information and follow the instructions.” (accordion fold out of many pages) I

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I feel like the doctor should have taken the time to go over the instructions with her she didn’t
read the last instructions or she would have known why she was getting the nose bleeds. She may
not understand the terminology and he should have taken the time to make sure she did.
Was there anything that the physician did that would have annoyed you?
Rushing me out the door while looking at his watch. Also doubtfully looking at me, like I was
lying. Not treating me the respect I deserve as a patient who pays for his services.
Part two Cultural Competence
Considering your career goals, provide your interpretation of what was being represented
in these two videos and how it will relate to you as a professional in the healthcare field.
My interpretation of what was being represented in the two videos is that we must be
mindful and aware of other’s cultural differences and how they are represented. While certain
traditions may conflict with some level of patient care, one should always attempt to approach
the situation with a level of understanding and consideration into what may be done to
accommodate for the individual’s needs.
Discuss the ideas of cultural bias and how your beliefs/prejudices may influence
your interactions with others.
I think being culture bias is also like stereotyping someone. Until you experience
some of every culture what others do may seem weird to you and vice versa. A lot of beliefs I
don’t understand but it's not for me to say whether they are wrong or right. People don’t believe
in Jesus or say it’s all fake it upsets me. I give people the same respect I want. Some cultures as
well do not allow women to make decisions in some races women make the decision. A person
in the medical field needs to be intuned to their surroundings and be able to adjust certain
methods to accommodate every culture
Present ideas as to ways that you can become more culturally sensitive and aware of
others to ensure your ability to interact in our multicultural world.
Always be respectful of another’s traditions and values
Demonstrate patience with linguistic challenges

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Part 1 Building Communication Skills How might the patient view the encounter…do you think she felt rushed or was the service efficient? Explain your rationale for your response. By what the patient said was she had a somewhat unsatisfied visit yesterday I believe she felt rushed and disappointed. Identify the phrases or actions that suggested to the patient that the physician was indifferent about their interactions. a physician standing over the patient in a chair did you use Google for a self-diagnosis… The physician is leaning back against the wall, arms crossed, glancing down at the patient with a questionable look … However, most patients don’t do them.” (Dr. looks at the patient with a look of serious doubt). Looking at the patient with a puzzled look… “If you read the contraindications on the prescription pages you would know that this is serious.” (said by Dr.X ...
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