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Many medical terms are word parts made up of word roots

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Many medical terms are word parts made up of word roots, suffixes, and prefixes. If a
clinician memorizes standard word parts, then it is possible to decipher the meaning of most any
medical term. The three parts of a word are prefix, root, and suffix. The suffix is the first place to
look when trying to analyze or break down a medical term. From the suffix, back up to the prefix, if
there is one, and finally, look at the root word.
Why is it important to understand medical definitions? Medical terminology can look and
sound complex, but it's important to be able to break words down and understand their roots,
prefixes, and suffixes to prevent any misunderstandings or errors, ensure a complete understanding
of patient issues. Professionals need to be able to understand what is going on and in a medical
facility. And we need to be able to say what we need too and others will understand.

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Many medical terms are word parts made up of word roots, suffixes, and prefixes. If a clinician memorizes standard word parts, then it is possible to decipher the meaning of most any medical term. The three parts of a word are prefix, root, and suffix. The suffix is the first place to look when tryi ...
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