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Summative Assessment #2 Part 2
HCAS143 Human Diseases and Drug Pharmacology
Kimberly Patten

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1. Explain how the disease process and development of atherosclerosis resulted
in the presentation and lab results of Mr. K.
The development of atherosclerosis is the result of a disease process that involves the
blood vessels of the body. Atherosclerosis is signified by hardening of the walls of blood vessels
which narrows them significantly. The pathophysiology of atherosclerosis is marked by the
development of plaques within the blood vessels. These plaques can partially or completely
obstruct the blood vessels. Development of atherosclerosis in Mr. K. results in him presenting
with bilateral claudication, which is induced upon exercising moderately, as blood supply of the
affected areas is compromised by the process of atherosclerosis in the blood vessels supplying
the area. High blood triglyceride and high blood cholesterol levels are associated with the
development of atherosclerosis, which is evident from Mr. K’s lab results.
2. Discuss the complications that might develop in Mr. K.
The complications which might develop in the case of Mr. K. include Ischemic heart
disease which can manifest as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, and heart
failure. This occurs when the process of atherosclerosis extends to involve the blood vessels of
the heart. If atherosclerosis extends to the blood vessels of the brain, the patient can experience
an ischemic stroke.
3. Identify possible plan of care options that may include patient education,
treatment options, necessary referral(s) and/or further diagnostic testing for Mr. K.
The plan of care for the patient includes further diagnostic testing which includes a
special form of ultrasound examination called colored Doppler ultrasonography, all basic lab
work, and a angiography .Patient education for Mr. K. includes advice to adopting regular
physical activity and make appropriate dietary changes to correct high cholesterol so he can

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Summative Assessment #2 – Part 2 HCAS143 Human Diseases and Drug Pharmacology Kimberly Patten 05/29/2021 1. Explain how the disease process and development of atherosclerosis resulted in the presentation and lab results of Mr. K. The development of atherosclerosis is the result of a disease process that involves the blood vessels of the body. Atherosclerosis is signified by hardening of the walls of blood vessels which narrows them significantly. The pathophysiology of atherosclerosis is marked by the development of plaques within the blood vessels. These plaques can partially or completely obstruct the blood vessels. Development of atherosclerosis in Mr. K. results in him presenting with bilateral claudication, which is induced upon exercising moderately, as blood supply of the affected areas is compromised by the process of atherosclerosis in the blood vessels supplying the area. High blood triglyceride and high blood cholesterol levels are associated with the development of atherosclerosis, which is evident from Mr. K’s lab results. 2. Discuss the complications that might develop in Mr. K. The complications which might develop in the case of Mr. K. include Ischemic heart d ...
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