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Week 5 reflection

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Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis
Congenital Insensitivity to pain is a genetic condition that causes individuals to
have an impaired perception of pain. It would seem to some that there are benefits to this
rare disorder, let's be honest nobody wants to feel pain. Things like broken bones,
scrapes, cuts, and burns would not be bothersome at all, you would not even know that an
injury occurred. Sounds good right, wrong those same benefits also are downfalls. A
person with this rare disorder would not be able to tell how serious their injuries are, they
become rapidly injured or burned because they don’t know to avoid activities that are
dangerous or cause pain. Their wounds become infected because they don’t instinctively
protect them from further injury or pain.
Many people with congenital sensitivity also have a complete loss of sense of
smell. All other senses seem to perform normally. This week one of our topics is the
sensory system which works closely with the nervous system. The sensory system
contains receptors including pain receptors. The inability to feel pain is determined by
sensory neurons. People with this condition have a severe dysfunction of the sensory

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Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis Congenital Insensitivity to pain is a genetic condition that causes individuals to have an impaired perception of pain. It would seem to some that there are benefits to this rare disorder, let's be honest nobody wants to feel pain. Things like broken ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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