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Physics 1 practice test 3

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AB PHYSICS | PRACTICE TEST #3 I. MULTIPLE CHOICES: For items 1-6 refer to the diagram below. a. massive, inertia b. massive acceleration c. massive, mass d. massive, powerful For items 11-14 refer to the diagram below. 0.21 7 70 N 1. How much gravitational force an object has? a. 68.70 kg.m/s2 c. 68.59 kg.m/s2 2 b. 68.72 kg.m/s d. 68.60 kg.m/s2 2. How much normal force does the surface exerted to the object? a. 68.60 N c. 68.70 N b. 68.62 N d. 68.59 N 3. Determine the frictional force exerted by the box and the surface? a. 14.61 N c. 14.41 N b. 14. 71 N d. 14.51 N 4. What is the net force exerted by the object? a. 68.60 N c. 68.70 N b. 68.62 N d. 68.59 N 5. Object is travelling at an acceleration of ___? a. 68.60 m/s2 c. 9.8 m/s2 b. 6 m/s2 d. 10.00m/s2 6. In what direction the object is travelling? a. northwest c. east b. west d. north 11. The surface exerted how much amount of nor ...
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