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Mobile marketingff

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Running head: MOBILE MARKETING 1
With the explosion of mobile handsets worldwide, many marketing and advertising firms
are looking at how to take advantage of the ubiquity of a communications device carried
everywhere. Describe why marketers view the mobile handset as such a valuable marketing
platform. What types of mobile advertising challenges do you foresee arising?
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Instructor's Name

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With the explosion of mobile handsets worldwide, many marketing and advertising firms
are looking at how to take advantage of the ubiquity of a communications device carried
everywhere. Describe why marketers view the mobile handset as such a valuable marketing
platform. What types of mobile advertising challenges do you foresee arising?
Have you ever come across ads while playing games? Well, in the digital era, I believe
we have all seen these in-game ads popping up before, after, or while we are still on games.
According to Moats (2020), Most of these in-game ads are used by the marketer to advertise or
promote their business. It is the concept that primarily known as mobile marketing
Mobile marketing, especially with the growth of individuals owning smartphones, has
grown and now a common marketing platform. Mobile marketing strategies include App-based,
In-game, QR codes, and mobile search ads (Marrs, 2020). The pressing question, however, is,
why is mobile marketing gaining prominence? In understanding this, we will analyze mobile
marketing's benefits and conclude by examining the future challenges in this particular field.
Benefits of Mobile Marketing
Barnes (2020) concluded that 96% of Americans have mobile devices, and in the next
few years, the study suggests that almost every American will own a mobile phone. More
significantly, individuals most of their time with mobile phones than with their pets or friends.
As a result, marketers take this opportunity to promote goods via in-game ads and mobile search
ads. The following are some advantages
1. Location and personalization, where people can be reached easily through
location-based marketing (Barnes, 2020). The information about and an
individual can be gathered and be used in personalization

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Running head: MOBILE MARKETING 1 With the explosion of mobile handsets worldwide, many marketing and advertising firms are looking at how to take advantage of the ubiquity of a communications device carried everywhere. Describe why marketers view the mobile handset as such a valuable marketing platform. What types of mobile advertising challenges do you foresee arising? Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name and Number Instructor's Name Date MOBILE MARKETING 2 With the explosion of mobile handsets worldwide, many marketing and advertising firms are looking at how to take advantage of the ubiquity of a communications device carried everywhere. Describe why marketers view the mobile handset as such a valuable marketing platform. What types of mobile advertising challenges do you foresee arising? Solved Have you ever come across ads while playing games? Well, in the digital era, I believe we have all seen these in-game ads popping up before, after, or while we are still on games. According to Moats (2020), Most of these in-game ads are used by the marketer to advertise or promote their business. It is the concept that primarily known as mobile marketing Mobile mar ...
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