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Virtual case study look and sound alike medications

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Virtual Case Study: Look and Sound-Alike
1. What information does the Institute for Safe Medication Practices provide to help
nurss minimize the risk of medication errors? Give three specific examples. Provide
a rationale to support your responses.
2. A nurse is preparing to administer scheduled medications to a client and discovers
that the pharmacy provided the wrong medication. How should the nurse respond?
Provide a rationale to support your responses.
3. develop a minimum of three nursing actions that a nurse should take to prevent a
medication error related to look-alike, sound-alike medications. Provide a rationale
to support your response.
4. Discuss legal and ethical issues related to administration of the wrong medication.
Provide a rationale to support your response
What information does the Institute for Safe Medication Practices provide to help nurses
minimize the risk of medication errors? Give three specific examples. Provide a rationale to
support your responses.
1. Drug information ; like drug protocols, dosing scale, and formulary
The quantity of preventable ADEs is minimized by supplying reliable and available prescripti
on information to all healthcare providers participating in the medication-
use process. Not only should drug information be easily available to workers through a num
ber of channels (drug references, formats, guidelines, dosing scales, etc.), it is important tha
t all up-to - date and reliable drug information is available.
A common cause of prescription errors is miscommunication between doctors , pharmacists
, and nurses. It is often necessary to validate prescription knowledge and remove contact h
urdles to minimize the number of medication errors caused by miscommunication.
2.Patient information which incudes weight measurement, age , height and lab results etc
Obtaining the required demographic (age, weight) and clinical (allergies, test results) inform
ation from the patient helps clinicians choose the right drugs, doses and routes of administr
ation. Around the point of prescribing , dispensing and delivering drugs, providing important
medical knowledge can lead to a substantial reduction in preventable adverse drug effects (

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3 Drug device acquisition, use and monitoring
Appropriate safety review of drug delivery systems should be carried out both before and aft
er their procurement and use. In order to eliminate device-
related mistakes, such as choosing the incorrect drug or drug dosage, setting the rate incorr
ectly, or combining the infusion line with another, an independent double-
check mechanism may often be used within the organization.
2.A nurse is preparing to administer scheduled medications to a client and discovers that
the pharmacy provided the wrong medication. How should the nurse respond? Provide a
rationale to support your responses.
1. The nurse should respond to the five rights of medication administration which are;
the right patient
the right dose
the right route
the right time
Whereby in her case it is the right dose
We are fast to criticize the nurse and suspect him / her of not following the five rights if a dru
g malfunction happens during the administration of a medication. As an aim of the drug proc
ess, the five rights should be embraced rather than the "be all and end all" of medication pro
2 report the problem
It is not so much the responsibility of healthcare professionals to obtain the five rights, but to
obey the procedural rules designed by the institution to deliver these results. Even where, d
ue to system complications, the procedural guidelines can not be met, healthcare workers st
ill have a responsibility to disclose the issue so that it can be remedied.
3.develop a minimum of three nursing actions that a nurse should take to prevent a
medication error related to look-alike, sound-alike medications. Provide a rationale to
support your response.
match the drug's indication to the patients condition before dispensing or
refer or use prescription ,preprinted if electronic prescribing is not available
use telephone or verbal orders
To better distinguish products with look-
alike names, prescribers can define the dosage type, opioid power, full instructions, and inte
nt of medications on prescriptions and orders. Until dispensing or prescribing it, pharmacists
and nurses should adapt the indication of the medication to the patient's condition.

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Virtual Case Study: Look and Sound-Alike Medications 1. What information does the Institute for Safe Medication Practices provide to help nurss minimize the risk of medication errors? Give three specific examples. Provide a rationale to support your responses. 2. A nurse is preparing to administer scheduled medications to a client and discovers that the pharmacy provided the wrong medication. How should the nurse respond? Provide a rationale to support your responses. 3. develop a minimum of three nursing actions that a nurse should take to prevent a medication error related to look-alike, sound-alike medications. Provide a rationale to support your response. 4. Discuss legal and ethical issues related to administration of the wrong medication. Provide a rationale to support your response What information does the Institute for Safe Medication Practices provide to help nurses minimize the risk of medication errors? Give three specific examples. Provide a rationale to support your responses. 1. Drug information ; like drug protocols, dosing scale, and formulary The quantity of preventable ADEs is minimized by supplying reliable and available prescripti on information to all health ...
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