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Pauline cultured meat and real meat apa formart

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Cultured Meat and Real Meat
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Production of livestock generally accounts to about 40 percent worldwide. The practice
needs a large space of farmland to run because people consume a lot of flesh nowadays. The
paper will review on what is the best viable alternative to use between cultured and real meat
regard to environment and human issues.
The core argument states that, cultured meat is derived from a cellular agriculture field. It
involves extraction and transferring of cells from farm creatures to a suitable medium that
contains nutrients and growth factors (Post et al., 2020). The benefits derived from this method is
more useful to the animals, environment, and also on our health. Real meat involves the actual
flesh taken out after slaughtering the livestock. Cultured meat is produced in a clean and sterile
surroundings that is free from contamination; as a result prevents foodborne illnesses to
Why cultured meat is the best. The process entitles to generate employment
opportunities, thus creates livelihoods to people living in poor countries (Siegrist, 2017). Real
meat produce products from animals that provides protein to human beings; hence they are the
major causes of obesity and undernourishment remedy. Livestock production is the best method
used by farmers in real meat environment. The process contributes in affecting the climate
change that result to methane, nitrous oxide, and ammonia emissions. It also causes erosion,
water and land pollution, and degrading of river banks. Cultured meat is the option to solve all
these challenges including reduction in land consumption.
In conclusion, research explains how cultured meat is more viable to use in regard to
environment and human issues. It ends up by outlining and giving out a brief discussion on how
real meat has little importance in the current world. People should learn and change their past
perspectives to new additional petitions.

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Running Head: CULTURED MEAT AND REAL MEAT Cultured Meat and Real Meat Student’s Name University Course Professor Date 1 CULTURED MEAT AND REAL MEAT 2 Production of livestock generally accounts to about 40 percent worldwide. The practice needs a large space of farmland to run because people consume a lot of flesh nowadays. The paper will review on what is the best viable alternative to use between cultured and real meat regard to environment and human issues. The core argument states that, cultured meat is derived from a cellular agriculture field. It involves extraction and transferring of cells from farm creatures to a suitable medium that contains nutrients and growth factors (Post et al., 2020). The benefits derived from this method is more useful to the animals, environment, and also on our health. Real meat involves the actual flesh taken out after slaughtering the livestoc ...
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