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6page world view reflection 15th february 2018

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Running Head: WORLD VIEW
World View Reflection

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Christian perspective of spirituality
According to Christian perspective, spirituality is based on the search for the meaning
of life while they continue to have a relationship with oneself and God. Spirituality thus
looks at the yearning to experience God’s blessings and kindness while bringing about
transcendence. In the Christian faith, spirituality is usually practised exclusively in their
relationship to music, nature, arts and a number of philosophical beliefs or their relationship
with their friends and family (Yenor, 2016). For Christians spirituality will look at the quality
of the individual relationship with God as it strives for their inspiration, to be redeemed, to
find purpose and meaning, awe and to find faith and grace in God (Yenor, 2016). The
spiritual dimension of Christianity calls for harmony between man and God, where human
beings are required to respect God’s word and find grace about the infinite and comes to
focus in regard to physical, emotional, loss, illness and bereavement and death.
In the context of postmodernism relativism it can be said that postmodernism views
the issue of spiritualism in regard to ethical affiliation (Balserak, 2016). This is because
postmodernism is an intellectual movement in which the interpretation of an individual’s
thoughts means everything and reality will come about through the individual’s view of the
world. In this way, postmodernism relativism, does not agree with Christian spiritualism as
they view the world from the way it is (Balserak, 2016). According to postmodernism, the
modern mind looks at spirituality as being all relative to the individual’s personal experience.
This means that the individual’s spirituality should not be tied to a form of a higher being, but
a personal choice that embraces relativism where all points of view are equally valid (Yenor,
2016). Postmodernism can thus be said to be based on science, which is in contrast to
spiritualism. Harmony in this way needs to exist outside the individual’s body, both the issue
of spirituality and science which needs not be viewed separately but also complement each
other towards interconnectedness through the body, mind and soul.

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Running Head: WORLD VIEW World View Reflection Affiliation Date WORLD VIEW 2 Christian perspective of spirituality According to Christian perspective, spirituality is based on the search for the meaning of life while they continue to have a relationship with oneself and God. Spirituality thus looks at the yearning to experience God’s blessings and kindness while bringing about transcendence. In the Christian faith, spirituality is usually practised exclusively in their relationship to music, nature, arts and a number of philosophical beliefs or their relationship with their friends and family (Yenor, 2016). For Christians spirituality will look at the quality of the individual relationship with God as it strives for their inspiration, to be redeemed, to find purpose and meaning, awe and to find faith and grace in God (Yenor, 2016). The spiritual dimension of Christianity calls for harmony between man and God, where human beings are required to respect God’s word and find grace about the infinite and comes to focus in regard to physical, emotional, loss, illness and bereavement and death. In the context of postmodernism relativism it can be said that postmodernism views the issue of spiritualism in regard to ethical affiliation (Balserak, 2016). This is because postmodernism is an intellectual movement in which the interpretation of an individual’s thoughts means everything and reality will come about through the individual’s view of the world. In this way, postmod ...
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